U.S. Economy Timeline

  • Automotive Industry Crisis

    Automotive Industry Crisis
    description in timespan
  • Period: to

    Automotive Industry Crisis

    From 2008-2019 the auto industry faced a crisis as part of a global downturn due to increased gas prices. An unpopular move, President Bush bailed out the auto industry, ending the crisis. This is a result of fiscal and monetary events. (trade)
  • American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

    American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
    The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 was an effort to jump start the economy. By creating millions of jobs and putting a down payment on many of the country's debts, the act improved the unemployment rate up to .04%. This falls under the fiscal category. (budget)
  • Obamacare

    Enacted in 2010, Obamacare was the affordable care act that opened up healthcare to all Americans. The controversial idea is still being worked out, but the overall goal is to reform the health care industry. This falls under the fiscal category. (budget)
  • American Savings at an All-Time High

    American Savings at an All-Time High
    As of 2013, American citizens are saving more per person than they ever have in history. This means that most Americans are prepared for unexpected events and disasters, a sign of a well-functioning economy. This is a result of fiscal and monetary events. (savings)
  • 2016 Federal Budget

    2016 Federal Budget
    The budget includes $400 billion in health savings that build on the Affordable Care Act to help maintain the slow growth in health care costs while improving healthcare quality for seniors. In fact, this budget extends the Medicare Hospital Insurance trust fund’s solvency by 5 years. This falls under the fiscal category. (budget)
  • 2016 Presidential Election

    2016 Presidential Election
    Unpopular candidates on both sides of the political spectrum are the main candidates in the election. This unpopular leadership will surely impact the U.S. economy in the next four years. This is a result of fiscal and monetary events. (leadership)