
U.S. History 1863 - 1917

  • Black Codes (Jim Crow Laws)

    Black Codes (Jim Crow Laws)
    Whites intended to maintain control in the once blooming economy that existed during slavery. Mississippi and South Carolina enacted the first Black Codes (Jim Crow Laws) in late 1865. Nearly all Southern states adopted these laws by 1865 or 1866. The laws prevented blacks from holding any career occupation other than farmers or servants unless they paid a $10 to $100 tax. This led to The Civil Rights Movement, an African American pushback to segrgation during the 1950s and 60s.
  • End of the Civil War

    End of the Civil War
    The Cilvil War lasted about four years . The Confederacy was defeated at the cost of 620,000 Union and Confederate soilders in April 9,1865. Abraham Lincoln was the president through the Civil War and when it ended, the North(Union) and South(Confederacy) were at a disagreement, one of the disagreements involved slavery.The North won the war, after the war the Constitution was amended to free all slaves, equal protection under the law and all men were allowed to vote.
  • Abraham Lincolns Assasination

    Abraham Lincolns Assasination
    On April 14, 1865, John Wikes Booth, a famous actor at the time and also a Confederacy supporter, fatally shot and killed President Lincoln at the showing of a play at Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C. His assasination occured five days after the Civil War had ended. Andrew Johnson took office after the assasination. He used military reconstruction, which didn't benefit the whole country for good.
  • Passage of the 15th Admendment

    Passage of the 15th Admendment
    This amendment was passed in Febuary 3, 1870 to enable black males to vote. Although the promise of the 15th amendment was not fully relized for almost a century, especially in the south, it took the passage of the Voting Rights Acts of 1965 before the majority of African-Americans,in the South, were registered to vote. Despite unwanted voting guests this ethnic diversity vastly improved voter turnout, making for a more allied society.
  • Sherman Anti-Trust

    Sherman Anti-Trust
    The Sherman Anti-Trust was passed by Congress 7/12/1890, prohibiting any contract, conspiracy, or combination of business interests in restraint of foreign or interstate trade. It was made to provent monoply. This was a federal law but states still had legistaive laws for regulating business entities. This law has created much opposition, Such as uprising from farmers, angry at the high cost of railroad trade and several movie studios being sued due to violation of distribution and exhitbition.
  • Ellis Island becomes Immigration Station

    Ellis Island becomes Immigration Station
    In 1892, Ellis Island, New York opened as an immigration station, the role it played for 60 years (until 1954). Between 1890-1910 millions of immigrants went through Ellis Island as a checkpoint. Many of these immigrants coming from Europe-Germany, Ireland, Britian, Mexico, and South and Central America. Estimatigly 40%(41 million) of all current U.S. citizens can trace at least one ancestor back to Ellis Island.
  • Plessy Vs. Furgonson

    Plessy Vs. Furgonson
    This case began May 18, 1896, when Plessy a man that was 2/3rds white, boarded a 'whites only' train and refused to move his seat and get off.The police later aressted him for misconduct to laws. The case was on 5/18/1896. Plessy was attempted to plead that his arrest was againt the constitution and equailty. The Supreme Court said it was just a legal distinction and had no tendancy to destory equality. This was one birthchild of many cases surrounding racial discrimmination, NAACP cases.
  • Annexation of Hawii

    Annexation of Hawii
    The U.S. invaded Hawaii on October 21, 1897, they attacked and overthrew the monarch.The U.S didn't want Hawii to become a part of the European Empire. The U.S. government made Hawii a territory in 1898 and was made a state in 1900. This territory was occupied as American military bases, and when Hawaii was bombed by the Japanese on December 7, 1941, we had to retailate becasue it's American soil, leading to World War II, if we hadn't bothered to gain Hawaii, war may have been less likely.
  • Spanish American War

    Spanish American War
    The conflict began Febuary 1895 when Cuba was struggling to gain independence from Spain. U.S. media potrayed Spain as communists, used propaganda, which led to U.S sympathizers which also led to U.S. Congress supporting Cubas casue for independece and demanding Spanish Armed Forces to stand down. By April 24, 1898, Spain declared war on the U.S. The U.S. overpowerd Spanish forces and ended the war by July 17th 1898. The U.S. helped Cuba gain independence, showing effectiveness in countries.
  • The Roosevelt Cororllary

     The Roosevelt Cororllary
    On December 6, 1904 an elaboration on the Monroe Doctrine trust was written to achieve separaion between Europe and the U.S. and to keep them from colonizing America any futher. Roosevelt was just adding to and changing a few rules to relate to current situtions. He gave U.S. the power to be more independent and to avoid possible, if not already done, overpopulation. Roosevelt enforced U.S. law enforcement to coresspond the Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine.
  • NAACP is founded

    NAACP is founded
    The foundation was formed partly in response to the continuing pratice of lynching and the 1908 race riot in Springfield, Illinois. It was formed and served the purpose for fighting for African American Civil Rights. In 1916, James Weldon Johnson, began organization expansion in the South and under his rule became of the most influential and successful civil rights groups in the country. NAACP still fights for civil rights to this day. Many Supreme Court cases revolve around civil rights.
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

    Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
    The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire occured on March 25, 1911 in New York. While infamous, The deaths of this incident could have been avoided. Most victims died by the result of neglected safety and unsafe work conditions. This tragic event drew more attention towards the dangerous conditions of factory workers. While once again, infamous, it killed 145 workers and demanded emergency exits and fire alarms to be placed to reduce risk of such massacares.
  • Ludlow Massacare

    Ludlow Massacare
    On 4/20/1914 coal operators led by Colorado Fuel and Iron burned down tents with woman and children. The plan was carefully executed attack on the tent colony by Colorado militiamen, coal company guards, and thugs hired as private detectives and strike breakers.They burned and shot striking miners, eleven childern and four women died holding each other under the brning tents. This remains an issue due to coal mining concerns of black lung diasease and denied support of dead or injured miners.
  • Zimmermann Telegram

    Zimmermann Telegram
    The Zimmermann Telegram was a proposal from the German military for Mexico to join alliances with Germany in World War 1. The proposal was given the intention for Mexico to regain much of the land that was once theirs and was in America. The letter was intercepted by American telegraphers which led Wilson to have less hesitation on declaring war on Germany. This is one of the leading causes of the U.S.'s decision to declare war on Germany and because of that we declared war on April 2, 1917.
  • U.S. declares war on Germany

    U.S. declares war on Germany
    President Woodrow Wilson went before a joint session of congress to request declaration of war on Germany. Wilson had many motivations for this action, one of which being the attacks for U.S. merchant ships earlier in 1917. Another being the Zimmerman note, a proposal to Mexico to ally with Germany amd take back U.S. land that orginally belonged to Mexico. This is what led us into World War 1 and that is important becasue it many emphasize the impact that it had in World War II.