U.S. History Project

By Mrnarg
  • Period: to

    Throughout the 19th Century

    Ideas of Imperialism began to rise
    Desire for Military Power - Became the 3rd biggest Navy in the World
    Thirst for New Markets - Foreign Trade, need for raw material
    Belief in Cultural Superiority - Responsibility to Spread Christianity
  • 1854

    America offers to buy Cuba from Spain, but Spain refuses their offer
  • 1867

    U.S. buys Alaska from Russia, Alaska will become a State in 1959
    U.S. takes the Midway Islands
  • Period: to


    The Cuban people rebel against the Spanish which became known as the "10 Year War"
  • 1875

    The U.S. agrees to import Hawaii sugar duty-free over the next 15 years
  • 1887

    Hawaii allows the U.S. to build a Naval Base at Pearl Harbor
  • 1891

    The king of Hawaii dies leaving his sister in power with the agenda of
    "Hawaii for Hawaiians"
  • 1896

    Spain responds harshly to the Cuban revolt and placed about 300,000 people into Concentration Camps.
    A letter was found criticizing President McKinley, a few days later, the USS Maine exploded killing 260 men.
  • 1897

    President Cleveland respects the wishes of the Hawaiians but is Succeeded by President McKinley who does not respect their wishes. Hawaii becomes a U.S. Territory the following year and becomes the 50th state in 1959.
  • 1899

    Aguinaldo would lead the Pilipino people to revolt against the Government, who took 3 years to stop the revolt. The Philippines became independent in 1946.
  • Matters in Asia

    The Philippines were a gateway to Asia, mainly China. France, Germany, Britain, Japan, and Russia had all carved out "Spheres of Influence" in China. In 1899, John Hay announced the Open Door Notes which were turned down by China. A secret Society called the Boxers grew in numbers due to anti-Foreign Sentiment. The Boxer Rebellion was put down in 2 Months.
  • 1900

    The Foraker Act ended the Military Rule and set up a Civil Government in Puerto Rico
  • 1901

    The Cuban Constitution was flawed so the Platt Amendment was recommended. The Amendment would be implemented and would stay for another 31 years.
  • 1901

    President McKinley was assassinated, making Teddy Roosevelt
  • 1904

    in 1901, Britain gave the rights to build in the soon to be Panama Canal, and in 1904, construction of the Canal began. The Construction finished in 1914
  • 1905

    Teddy Roosevelt mediated a settlement in a war between Russia and Japan. Russia and Japan were fighting over the same piece of land, mainly Manchuria and Parts of Korea.
    Roosevelt wins a Nobel Peace Prize the following year.
  • 1911

    Mexicans lead by Francisco Madero, over throw Porfirio Diaz. 2 Years later, General Victoriano Huerta took over the Government. Wilson did not approve and sent American Troops to intervene in the state of Affairs.
  • 1913

    Woodrow Wilson becomes president. Wilson addresses the Monroe Doctrine a Moral Tone
  • 1917

    Puerto Rican people gain U.S. Citizenship
    While under American rule, Spanish officials were put back into Office
    All who protested were executed or Imprisoned
    Although, the American Military provided food and clothing for thousands, helped farmers cultivate land, and organized schools
  • Period: to

    "A Splendid Little War"

    April 20, America declares war on Spain.
    April 30, The American Navy arrives at Manila Bay and destroys all of the Spanish ships there
    June, American forces land in Cuba and began to converge on Santiago
    July 25, American troops invade Puerto Rico
    August 25, The United States and Spain come to an Armistice
    At the Treaty of Paris, the U.S. gains Guam, Cuba, and Puerto Rico