• 17th amendment

    17th amendment
    it established that senators were to be elected directly. This law was intended to create a more democratic, fair society.
  • 19th amendment

    it established that no citizen can be denied the right to vote on account of sex. Granted women the ability to vote.
  • Susan B. Anthony

    Susan B. Anthony
    she devoted to the women's right movement; made speeches and organized state and national conventions on women's rights; collected signatures for a petition to grant women the right to vote and own property.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    the us neutral in Europe's affairs. us wouldn't interfere in European colonies that were in the western hemisphere. There would be no further colonization in the western hemisphere. European control of any nation in the western hemisphere would be viewed as hostile.
  • indian removal

    indian removal
    removing Indians from the lands East of the Mississippi River. The plan was finished by moving the Indians to what is now Oklahoma.
  • manifest destiny

    manifest destiny
    it is the belief that the US should own all territory between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
  • bessemer process

    bessemer process
    it was a cheap and efficient process for making steel.
  • Eugene V. Debs

    Eugene V. Debs
    Head of the American Railway Union and director of the Pullman strike; he was imprisoned along with his associates for ignoring a federal court injunction to stop striking. While in prison, he read Socialist literature and emerged as a Socialist leader in America.
  • Clarence Darrow

    Clarence Darrow
    he was a famed criminal lawyer. he worked in "Monkey Trial". he made William Jennings Bryan appear foolish
  • Theodore Roosavelt

    Theodore Roosavelt
    A leader of the Rough Riders in Cuba. Took Office when McKinley was assassinated. 26th President. Increased size of Navy, "Great White Fleet". Added Roosevelt Corollary to Monroe Doctrine. "Big Stick" policy. Received Nobel Peace Prize for mediation of end of Russo-Japanese war. Later arbitrated split of Morocco between Germany and France.
  • Jane Adams

    Jane Adams
    Jane Addams was born on September 6, 1860 to John and Sarah Addams of Cedarville, Illinois. she was a pioneer settlement worker, founder of Hull House in Chicago, public philosopher, sociologist, author, and leader in woman suffrage and world peace.
  • willian jennings bryan

    willian jennings bryan
    he was a Nebraska congressman delieverd an impassioned address to the assembled delegates.It has become known as the "Cross of Gold" speech.He won the democratic nomination.The populaists liked him,but didn't like his vice president.They also did not like giving up their identity as a partyduring the presidential election because they didn't nominate a presidential canedateThey compromised with the Democraticparty by nominating their own canediate for vice president under William Jennings Bryan.
  • Ida B. Wells

    Ida B. Wells
    Ida Wells was an early supporter of women's suffrage. IN 1913 she refused to march at the back of a white delgation of women at a suffrage demonstration
  • Homested Act

    Homested Act
    congress passed the homestead act and the offered 160 acres of free land to any citizen or any intended citizen who was head of the household in the home.
  • Upton Sinclair

    Upton Sinclair
    he was a muckraker who shocked the nation when he published The Jungle, a novel that revealed gruesome details about the meat packing industry in Chicago. The book was fiction but based on the things Sinclair had seen.
  • the guilded age

    the guilded age
    it was a word used to describe the tremendous increase in wealth caused by the industrial age and the ostentatious lifestyles it allowed the very rich. The great industrial success of the U.S. and the fabulous lifestyles of the wealthy hid the many social problems of the time, including a high poverty rate, a high crime rate, and corruption in the government.
  • chinese exclusion

    chinese exclusion
    it prevented immigration from China to the US
  • Haymarket riot

    Haymarket riot
    8 deaths and more than 70 injuries. it took place in chicago and it was a riot that involved a bombing. 8 people were conviced of being involved with the bombing and were sent to prison.
  • Dawes Act

    Dawes Act
    it was attempt to americanize the indians giving each tribe 160 acres. after 25 years this property would become theirs (if the white people liked them) and they would become an american citizen
  • klondike gold rush

    klondike gold rush
    Some miners discovered very rich deposits of gold and became immensely wealthy. However, the majority arrived after the best of the gold fields had been claimed and only around 4,000 miners ultimately struck gold
  • robber barons

    robber barons
    a word used to describe leaders of industry at the turn of the century who rose to this position based on their unfair business practices
  • populism

    The movement to increase farmers' political power and to work for legislation in their interest
  • progressivism

    a word used to increase democracy in America by curbing the power of the corporation. It fought to end corruption in government and business, and worked to bring equal rights of women and other groups that had been left behind during the industrial revolution.
  • muckracker

    newspaper reporters and other writers who pointed out the social problems of the era of big business
  • recall

    When the citizens decide to remove a public official from office due to incompetence or failure to do the job
  • industrialism

    the process of developing machine produced goods
  • social gospel

    social gospel
    it is the immanence of God . erase distinction between sacred and secular christians bring in the Kingdom of God in the present rather than waiting
  • american dream

    american dream
    he widespread belief that the United States is a land of opportunity and that individual initiative and hard work can bring economic success.
  • Andrew Carnigie

    Andrew Carnigie
    A Scottish- American industrialist. He owned the Carnegie Steel Corporation. He once donated 5 million dollars to library and education. Today you can find him at Carnegie Mellon university.
  • urbanization

    it is the growth of cities
  • pure food & drug act

    pure food & drug act
    it was designed to prevent the adulteration and mislabeling of foods and drugs. It gave consumers protection from dangerous and impure foods
  • 16th amendment

    16th amendment
    Income Tax. Congress has the power to collect taxes on people's income without regard to the state population
  • Dollar Diplomacy

    Dollar Diplomacy
    The use of American investments to boost American political interests abroad
  • federal reserve act

    federal reserve act
    it set up a system to stop bank panics.It created a 12 district reserve banks with a central federal reserve board to impose public regulation. the federal reserve had authority to issue currency and could set discount rates and it stopped banking scares and stablized it.
  • 18th amendment

    18th amendment
    it is the prohibition of alcoholic beverages. his amendment is the midpoint of a growing drive towards women's rights as well as showing the moral attitude of the era.
  • tea pot dome scandal

    tea pot dome scandal
    Secretary of the Interior leased government land in California and at Teapot Dome, Wyoming to 2 oil executives- Fall became the first Cabinet official to be sent to prison
  • nativism

    it is used to refer to ethnocentric beliefs relating to immigration and nationalism. It was also a policy that favored native inhabitants as opposed to immigrants. It called for a revival of indigenous culture.
  • Yellow journal

    Yellow journal
    a form of journalism that exploits, distorts, or exaggerates the news to create sensations and attract readers. There is little or no well-researched news presented to the audience, only catchy headlines.
  • political mechines

    political mechines
    organizations whose main goals were the rewards (money, influence, prestige) of getting and keeping power