By alanan
  • Germany occupies Bohemia and Moravaia (March 15, 1939)

    Germany occupies the remaining Czech territories of Bohemia and Moravia, effectively dismembering Czechoslovakia. This occupation of Czechoslovakia demonstrated the ineffectiveness of appeasement policies.
  • Great Depression (1929-late 1930s)

    The Great Depression, triggered by the stock market crash in 1929. This devastated economies worldwide, leading to widespread, leading to widespread unemployment, poverty, etc. This economic hardship weakened the stability of governments and fueled Nationalist movements.
  • Abyssinia invaded by Italy (October 3, 1935-May 1936)

    Italy invaded Abyssinia in October 1935. This act violated international agreements and provoked condemnation from the LON. This highlighted the failure of the LON to prevent aggression and maintain peace.
  • Anglo-French guarantee of Poland (March 31,1939)

    Britan and France pledged to support Poland in the event of a German invasion, aiming to deter further aggression from Nazi Germany after its annexation of Czechoslovakia. This guarantee heightened tensions in Europe.
  • Anti-Com intern Pact (November 25, 1936)

    Germany and Japan signed the Anti-Com intern Pact, aimed at countering the spread of communism and forming an alliance against Soviet Union. This pact aligned Germany and Japan against Soviet Union.
  • Britain and France declare war on Germany (Sept. 3 1939)

    Following Germany's invasion of Poland, Britain and France declare war on Germany, marking the start of WWII. The declaration of war underscored the failure of appeasement policies.
  • Four Power Conference at Munich (Setpt. 29- 30 1938)

    Britain, France, Germany, and Italy met in Munich to address the Sudetenland crisis, resulting in the Munich agreement. This allowed Germany to annex Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland region in exchange for a promise of no further territorial expansion. This agreement is often seen as a symbol of appeasement.
  • Franco-Soviet Treaty of Mutual Assistance (May 2, 1935)

    France and the Soviet Union signed a mutual assistance pact, pledging to support each other in the event of aggression by Germany or its allies. This treaty aimed to deter Germany aggression, but it ended up fueling Hitler hostile powers.
  • German occupation of Austria (March 12, 1938)

    Germany annexed Austria in the Anschluss, violating the Treaty of Versailles and furthering Hitler's goal of uniting all German- speaking peoples under Nazi rule. The annexation of Austria demonstrated Hitler's expansionist ambitions.
  • Germany invaded Poland (Sept 1, 1939)

    Nazi Germany launched a full-scale invasion of Poland. The invasion of Poland was a direct violation to international treaties and agreements, triggered the outbreak of WWII.