Unit 5 Timeline

By x.bx
  • A Convention of "Demigods"

    Virginia called for a convention at Annapolis, Maryland to deal with the issue of interstate commerce. Alexander Hamilton saved the convention from collapsing (delegates from only 5 states showed up).
  • Bills of Rights.

    The Judiciary Act of 1789 created the the federal court system, including the Supreme Court. It also created the office of attorney general.
  • Customs, Duties, and Excise Taxes

    Hamilton supported the first tariff law, which imposed taxes on certain imports.
  • The Emergence of Political Parties

    Jefferson and Madison organized their opposition to the Hamilton program but confined it to Congress.
  • Customs, Duties, and Excise Taxes

    Congress passed an excise tax on a few domestic items, including whiskey.
  • Bill of Rights

    James Madison wrote the Bill of Rights and helped get them passed by Congress
  • Hamilton Battles Jefferson for a Bank

    Hamilton prevailed and the 1st Bank of the United States was created. Its charter lasted for 20 years and was located in Philadelphia.
  • Mutinous Moonshiners in Pennsylvania

    The Whiskey Rebellion in Pennsylvania was lead by distillers who strongly opposed the 1791 excise tax on whiskey.
  • Unofficial Fighting with France

    Infuriated with the XYZ Affair, America began preparations for war: the Navy Department was created; the three-ship navy was expanded; the United States Marine Corps was re-established.
  • John Adams Becomes President

    John Adams (Washington's Vice President) beat Thomas Jefferson to become to the 2nd President
  • Hammering Out a Bundle of Compromises

    The new Constitution also called for a President. Because of arguments over if the slaves would count towards the general population of the state, the "three-fifths compromise" was created. The new Constitution also called for the end of the slave trade by the end.