Unit 7 part 1

  • Alaska: Purchase of Alaska

    Alaska: Purchase of Alaska
    The U.S. purchased Alaska from the Russians who was eager to sell the land in fear of it being seiged in war.
  • Hawaii: Treaty with Hawaii and Old World pathogens

    Hawaii: Treaty with Hawaii and Old World pathogens
    America's grip on Hawaii is beginning to tighten when a treaty with the native government guarentees naval-base rights at Pearl Harbor. European diseases have diminished their population one-sixth of its size. Leads to the bringing in of Asian Laborers to work the canefields and sugar mills.
  • Alfred Thayer Mahan

    Alfred Thayer Mahan
    His book, The Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660-1783, argued that control of the sea was the key to world dominance.
  • Hawaii: McKinley Tariff

    Hawaii: McKinley Tariff
    Raises the barriers against the Hawaiian product causing the sugar markets to go sour.
  • Hawaii: Revolt of 1893

    Hawaii: Revolt of 1893
    Whites, having the help of American troops, form a revolt with the desire for Hawaii to be annexed to the United States.Leads to the treaty of annexation. Though this treaty is withdrawn by the next president, president Cleveland.
  • Sp/Am War: cause od economic downfall

    Sp/Am War: cause od economic downfall
    Due to falling prices of sugar and tobacco a citizen revolt broke out because of the economic depression that it caused.
  • Sp/Am War: The Cause of the war

    Sp/Am War: The Cause of the war
    Colonists of Cuba revolted against the spanish who had been in control of their land.
  • Sp./Am War: Sinking of the U.S.S. Maine

    Sp./Am War: Sinking of the U.S.S. Maine
    After the Maine docked in Cuba's harbor it was sinked caused by an explosion, this made citizens of the U.S. furious.
  • Sp/Am War: Message to congress

    Sp/Am War: Message to congress
    President McKinley sends a message to congress stating that he supported American intervention in Cuba.
  • Sp/Am War: Start of the war

    Sp/Am War: Start of the war
    Congress finally decides to declare war on Spain.
  • Sp/Am War: the first battle

    Sp/Am War: the first battle
    Commodore George Dewey destroyed the Spanish fleet at Manila Bay, for the U.S.
  • Sp/Am War: ¨Rough Riders¨

    Sp/Am War: ¨Rough Riders¨
    After resigning his position in the Naval Department, Roosevelt led the group commonly known as the ¨Rough Riders¨ up San Juan Hill.
  • Sp/Am War: Treaty of Paris

    Sp/Am War: Treaty of Paris
    A peace treaty that ended the Spanish-American War. Stating that Spain had to give recognition to Cuba as independent and America gained land including Puerto Rico, the Philipines, and Guam.
  • Start of the Philippine-American War

    Start of the Philippine-American War
    Filipino nationalists and American forces began to fight causing Emilio Aguinaldo to leave the nationalists and to gain independence.
  • China: Open Door

    China: Open Door
    Secretary of State John Hay dispatches to great powers a communication known as the Open Door note. Urged them to announce that they would respect certain Chinese rights and the ideal of fair competition. In 1900, Hay announces the Open Door would embrace the territorial and commercial integrity of China. This helped spare China from possible partition and they were incorporated into the Nine-Power Treaty of 1922.
  • China: Boxers

    China: Boxers
    The boxers, trained martial arts group, broke loose with the cry, ¨Kill Foreign Devils.¨ Having murdured over two hundred foreigners and thousands of chinese christians. They beseiged the foreign diplomatic community in Beijing. A rescue force was sent in to put an end to the rebellion.
  • Panama Canal: Hay-Paucefote Treaty

    Panama Canal: Hay-Paucefote Treaty
    Spanish-American War reinviforated interest in the panama canal. This waterway would make easier the defense of such a recent aquisitions as Puerto Rico, Hawaii, and the Philippines, while facilitating the operations of the U.S. merchant marine. The Hay-Paucefote Treaty gave the U.S, a free hand to build the canal as well as concede the right to fortify it.
  • Big Stick Diplomacy

    Big Stick Diplomacy
    President McKinley was murdered by an anarchist in New York. Roosevelt thus took the oath of office. He adopted as his pet proverb, ¨Speak softly and carry a big stick, you will go far.¨
  • End of the Philippine-American War

    End of the Philippine-American War
    President Roosevelt granted an official pardon which ended the war.
  • Big stick Diplomacy: Preventive Intervention

    Big stick Diplomacy: Preventive Intervention
    President Roosevelt feared that if the Germans or British got their foot in the door as bill collectors, they might remain in Latin America; this is a clear violation of the Monroe Doctrine. Announced that in the event of future financial malfeasance by the Latin American nations, the U.S. would intervene, and take the troublesome Europeans on the other side of the Atlantic.
  • Panama Canal: Construction

    Panama Canal: Construction
    Landslides and tropical diseases made it extremely difficult to construct the canal. The project came to a completion in 1914, just as World War 1 broke out.
  • Japan: Gentlemen's Agreement

    Japan: Gentlemen's Agreement
    San Francisco's school board ordered the segregation of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean students in a special school to make room for whites. This soon boiled over into an international crisis. Japan was sensitive when it came to discrimination; Roosevelt forced San Francisco to repeal the offensive order and to accept what is known as the ¨Gentlemen's Agreement.¨
  • Dollar Diplomacy

    Dollar Diplomacy
    This stated that American investment would be beneficial because it ensured the stability and good relationships between the U.S. and foreign nations.
  • Mexico: migration to the U.S.

    Mexico: migration to the U.S.
    The popular new revolutionary president is murdered and replaced with General Victoriano Huerta, and Indian. This chaos resulted in a mass migration of Mexicans to the United States.
  • Mexico: 16 American engineers killed

    Mexico: 16 American engineers killed
    Villa's men hauled sixteen American mining engineers off a train traveling through New Mexico and killed them. Villa's goal was to provoke war between Wilson and Carranza.
  • WW1: ZImmermann note

    WW1: ZImmermann note
    German foreign secretary secretly proposed a German-Mexican alliance.
  • WW1: Fourteen Points Address

    WW1: Fourteen Points Address
    Wilson's famous speech; his primary purpose was to reel Russia into war.
  • WW1: Russia withdrawn

    WW1: Russia withdrawn
    the communistic Bolshevics withdrew their country from the war. This released hundreds of thousands of battle-tested Germans from the eastern front facing Russia for the western front in France, where they were developing a dangerous superiority in manpower.
  • WW1: Chateau-Thierry

    WW1: Chateau-Thierry
    The German juggeraunt threatened to knock out France when smashing to within forty miles of Paris. American troops were thrown into the breach at Chateau-Thierry. This marked the first significant engagement of American troops in the European war.
  • WW1: Second Battle of Marne

    WW1: Second Battle of Marne
    American men participated in a Foch counteroffensive. This marked the beginning of a German withdrawal that was never effectively reversed.
  • WW1: Germans pushed from the St. Mihiel salient

    WW1: Germans pushed from the St. Mihiel salient
    Nine American divisions joined four French divisions to push the Germans from the St. Mihiel salient.
  • WW1: Germany surrenders

    WW1: Germany surrenders
    Germany lays down their arms and their Kaiser was forced to flee to Holland, where he lived the remainder of his life. Americans rejoiced as the war to end wars was finally over.
  • Red Scare 1919-1920

    Red Scare 1919-1920
    Resulted in a nationwide crusade against left-wingers whose Americanism was suspect.The Attorney General Palmer earned the title ¨Fighting Quaker¨, who ¨saw red¨ too easily, rounded up about six thousand suspects. This was a drive to root out radicals.