Universal Healthcare

  • Canadian Medical Association

    Canadian Medical Association
    Cause: helps people get jobs if they would like to be phyiscians. Also they have people who would help patients who are in need for free. Consequence: this can affect doctors who are receiving money because they can start loosing patients.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    Consequence: social and economic sock to all Canadians's, left many Canadians hungry, enemployed and homeless. Cause: drops in world community prices and declines in economic demand andcredit, leading to rapid declines in global trade. During this time people weren't able to afford healthcare
  • Hospital Insurance and Diagnostic Services Act

    Hospital Insurance and Diagnostic Services Act
    Cause: promotes healthy canadians and have no financial barriers Consequence: this can affect on how canadian doctors are receiving money
  • Canada Health Act

    Canada Health Act
    This is a act that puts in place conditions which individual pronvinces and territories in Canada can receive funding for health care services.

    Cause: Helps people out with health care because it is free
    Consequence: Could result in doctor's not getting paid enough
  • Canada Health and Social Transfer

    This was a system to block transfer paymenets from the Canadian government to provincial governments to pay for health care and post secondary. Cause: Helps pay for health care and education
    Consequence: Doesn't cover all education