us history:1887- 2008

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    early american history

    1. Declaration of Independence signed
    2. Constitution written
    3. Bill of Rights ratified
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    civil war/ reconstruction

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    the gilded age

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    the progressive era

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    world war i

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    roaring twenties

  • the union of soviet socialist republics

    treaty between russia, ukraine, Belarus and transcaucasia
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    great depression

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    world war ii

  • domino theory

    first proposed by pres. harry s. truman to justify sending military aid to greece and turkey
  • united nations formed

    51 countries committed to maintaining international peace and security
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    early cold war

  • truman doctrine

    us policy that gave military and economic aid to countries threatened by communism
  • containment

    (1947–1989): basic united states strategy for fighting the cold war with the soviet union
  • berlin airlift

    massive airlift of food, water, and medicine to the citizens of the besieged city
  • marshall plan

    program to help European countries rebuild after World War II
  • nato established

    first peacetime military alliance the us entered into outside of the western hemisphere
  • sweatt v. painter

    ruled the separate law school at the university of texas failed to qualify as “separate but equal”
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    civil rights era

  • rosenbergs trial

    espionage for their role in passing atomic secrets to the soviets during and after wwii
  • 22nd amendment

    prohibits anyone who has been elected president twice from being elected again
  • first h-bomb detonated by the united states

    committed us to an ever-escalating arms race with the soviet union
  • korean war

    1950-1953:across the 38th parallel, the boundary between the soviet-backed democratic
  • brown v. board of education of topeka

    overturned Plessy v. Ferguson and mandated desegregation
  • hernandez v. texas

    mexican americans and all other races provided equal protection under the 14th Amendment
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    vietnam war

  • jonas salk invents the polio vaccine

    national radio show that he has successfully tested a vaccine-- the virus that causes the crippling disease of polio
  • montgomery bus boycott after rosa parks’ arrest

    montgomery's buses were integrated= the boycott ended & lasted 381 days
  • arms race/space race

    the soviet's launch of the first sputnik satellite, the us and the rest of the world, as it took the cold war arms= space Race
  • ussar launches sputnik

    the world's first artificial satellite
  • little rock nine integrated into an all-white school in little rock, ak

    students' effort to enroll was supported by the united states supreme court's decision in brown v. board of education
  • berlin wall built to prevent people from leaving communist east berlin

    • prevent east germans from fleeing
    • stop an economically disastrous migration of workers
  • bay of pigs invasion in cuba

    cuban exiles launched what became a botched invasion
  • cuban missile crisis

    13-day political and military standoff over the installation of nuclear-armed soviet missiles on cuba and kennedy also secretly agreed to remove u.s missiles from turkey
  • martin luther king’s “i have a dream speech” at the march on washington

    • evoked the memory of abraham lincoln
    • the emancipation of the slaves
    • "shameful condition" of segregation
  • john f. kennedy is assassinated in dallas, tx

    while riding in a presidential motorcade through dealey plaza
  • gulf of tonkin resolution

    president johnson to take any measures he believed were necessary to retaliate and to promote international peace/ security in southeast Asia
  • civil rights act of 1964

    made discrimination based on race, religion, or national origin in public places illegal and required employers to hire on an equal opportunity basis
  • medicare and medicaid established

    designed to provide health coverage for low-income people
  • voting rights act of 1965

    eliminated literacy tests for voters
  • tet offensive

    rebellion among the south vietnamese population and encourage the u.s to scale back its involvement in the vietnam war
  • martin luther king is assassinated

    fatally shot while standing on the balcony outside his room at the lorraine motel in memphis
  • civil rights act of 1968

    prohibited discrimination in the sale or rental of housing
  • first man on the moon

    • originally planned for aldrin to be the first man to step on the moon
    • lunar module posed design challenges that made this order difficult
  • tinker v. des moines

    cemented students' rights to free speech in public schools, for example: students returned after the christmas break without armbands, but in protest by wearing dark or black clothing
  • kent state university shooting

    national guards fire their weapons at a group of anti-war demonstrators
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    end of cold war

  • pentagon papers leaked

    the federal government was able to restrain the publication of a major newspaper since the presidency of abraham lincoln during the u.s. civil war
  • 26th amendment

    moved the voting age from 21 years old to 18 years old
  • title ix

    protects people from discrimination based on gender in education programs
  • war powers act

    congress passed the war powers resolution in the aftermath of the vietnam war, whereby the inclusion of the introduction of u.s forces abroad could lead to their involvement in armed conflict.
  • watergate scandal, which leads to nixon’s resignation

    successfully ending american fighting in vietnam and improving international relations with the u.s.s.a.r. and china
  • fall of saigon, marks the end of the vietnam war

    north vietnamese troops entered saigon as the last u.s citizens evacuated the city
  • camp david accords

    establish a framework for peace in the middle east by formalizing arab recognition of Israel's right to exist
  • three mile island disaster

    serious accident in u.s. commercial nuclear power plant operating history
  • iran hostage crisis

    the iranians held the american diplomats hostage for 444 days
  • iran contra affair

    the reagan administration's covert arms-for-hostages deal sparked an independent counsel probe
  • communism

    germans brought down the most visible symbol of division at the heart of europe—the berlin wall
  • Period: to

    1990s- 21st century

  • 24th amendment

    abolishes the poll tax