
US History: VHS Summer: Alexis LaVerdiere

  • 1492 BCE

    European explorers and settlers arrive to the New World

    European explorers and settlers arrive to the New World
    Christopher Columbus made his first voyage to the new world. Since 1492 the European explorers and settlers have entered the New World, The New World was already inhibited by the Native Americans who were clumped together into one group known as "Indians".
  • Period: Aug 1, 1492 to

    US History: VHS Summer: Alexis LaVerdiere

    My timeline will start with the year 1492 and end in 1877. The timeline will highlight important dates between these years.
  • May 20, 1497

    John Cabot claims North America

    John Cabot claims North America
    John Cabot went on his first voyage to the New World in 1497 for English investors who may be interested. John Cabot got emission from King Henry VII to cross the northern atlantic ocean. On his second expedition it is believed that he died in a shipwreck.
  • The Beginning of the Revolutionary War

    The Beginning of the Revolutionary War
    On April 18, 1775 British Troops were given orders to capture John Hancock and Samuel Adams. They were said to be hiding in Lexington. By the time Brittish troops arrived at Lexington Adam, Revere, and Hancock fled to Philadelhpia.
  • End of the Revolutionary War

    End of the Revolutionary War
    The United States were given their independence from Britain in the Treaty of Paris. The treaty was signed by King George III and representatives of the United States. The treaty set boundaries between the new country and the British Empire.
  • The Signing of the Constitution

    The Signing of the Constitution
    The Constitution is the supreme law of the land in the United States. The Constitution of the United States was signed in September 1787. The Constitution established Americas national government along with fundemental laws and basic rights.
  • George Washington becomes president

    George Washington becomes president
    George Washington became the first president of the United States when he was elected on April 30, 1789. Was the former leader of the Continental Army. Washington was also one of the Founding Fathers of the United States.
  • Thomas Jefferson beats John Adams

    Thomas Jefferson beats John Adams
    Thomas Jefferson beat his opponent John Adams and was elected president on February 17,1801. He was tied with his other opponent Aaron Burr. The House of Representatives had to decide who would win. Jefferson won the support of Congress and won the election.
  • The War of 1812

    The War of 1812
    The War of 1812 started on June 18, 1812. This war was fought betwen the United Sates and the United Kingdom, its North American colonies and its North American Indian allies. The United States declared war for many reasons, including the trade restrictions that were brought on by the British War with France.
  • Nat Turners Slave Rebellion

    Nat Turners Slave Rebellion
    On August 21-22, 1831 Nat Turner led a rebellion of slaves in South Hampton Country, Virginia. This violent rebellion resulted in the deaths of 55 to 65 white people. Nat Turner was later convicted and hung.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    The Trail of Tears was a part of Andrew Jackson's removal of Indians. The Cherokee Indians were forced out of their land by the Mississippi River and moved to what is known today as Oklahoma. The Trail of Tears is the path that they followed out of their land.
  • James K. Polk wins presidency

    James K. Polk wins presidency
    James K.Polk surprised everyone when he won presidency. Polk was deemed a "dark horse" because it was not expected that he would win. Polk followed through with his campaign promises regaurding westward movement.
  • The Gold Rush of 1849

    The Gold Rush of 1849
    James Wilson Marshall found pieces of gold in the American River. Marshall tried to keep it on the down low, but the word eventually got out. This discovery led to many people (mostly men) to borrow money, mortgage their properties an flee to California to find gold.
  • The Compromise of 1850

    The Compromise of 1850
    The Compromise of 1850 was a set of 5 laws that dealt with slavery and were passed in September 1850. Senator Henry Clay was the one who proposed these laws. Clay hoped to find compromise and to prevent a crisis between the North and South.
  • Kansas-Nebraska act

    Kansas-Nebraska act
    The Kansas Nebraska act was passed on May 30,1854. This bill allowed settlers of a territory to determine whether or not a slave would be allowed in a new states border. The bill was propsed by Stephen A. Douglas.
  • Sacking of Lawrence

    Sacking of Lawrence
    The sacking of Lawrence Kansas happened on May 21, 1856. This incident occurred because pro-slavery activists assailed and ransacked the town of Lawrence, Kansas. Lawrence was founded by anti slavery settlers to secure Kansas would become a free state.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    The Emancipation Proclamation was a document made by president Abraham Lincoln. The Emancipation Proclamation demanded that on January 1, 1863 all slaves in rebellious states "shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free". The emancipation Proclamation was an important part of the war.
  • President Lincoln gets Assassinated

    President Lincoln gets Assassinated
    On April 14, 1865 President Lincoln gets shots from behind while he was watching a play at Fords Theater. John Wilkes booth is responsible for the assassination of Lincoln. The search for John Wilkes Booth was one of the biggest manhunts in history.
  • Andrew Johnson's Impeachment

    Andrew Johnson's Impeachment
    Andrew Johnson became the first president to be impeached. Johnson was impeached because of his removal of Secretary of War Edin Stanton. Johson removed Stanton without the approval of the Senate. On February 24, 1868 the House of Represenatives impeached Johnson.
  • Seneca Falls Convention Begins

    Seneca Falls Convention Begins
    This was the first womans rights convention ever held. The convention was held to discuss the social, religious, and civil rights of woman. It was held in Seneca New York and lasted for two days. The convention was seen as a important step for woman to gain more rights all around.
  • The Compromise of 1877

    The Compromise of 1877
    The Compromise of 1877 was an informal written deal that was to settle the intensley disputed 1876 Presidential election. This resulted in the last federal troops out of the south. The compromise of 1877 ultimately ended the Reconstruction era.