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US History: VHS Summer: Bethany Gifford

  • Period: 1492 to


    The events that show us the significant of our history in the past. These show us the people and groups that came together to make our world/land the way it is today.
  • Jamestown

    During this time, 104 men landed in Virginia, in a town they called Jamestown. This is when they then had made their first permanent English settlement. http://www.nps.gov/jame/historyculture/jamestown-and-plymouth-compare-and-contrast.htm
  • Pocahontas’s marriage

    Pocahontas’s marriage
    The natives had finally accepted peace with the English. Powhatan had formed an alliance with the English to get guns and powder. Then during this time Pocahontas was then able to marry John Rolphe. https://www.ushistory.org/us/6.asp
  • State Constitutions 1776-1780

    State Constitutions 1776-1780
    Pennsylvania created the most radical constitution of its period, in 1776. This is due to the requirements they had put in place. John Adams remarked that the Pennsylvania constitution of 1776 was, “so democratically that it must produce confusion and every evil work.” The constitution itself abolished property requirements for voting as well as for holding office, meaning you didn’t have to own a specific amount of land to vote. https://www.ushistory.org/us/
  • American Identity

    American Identity
    The American Identity was a phrase in which explained how the Americans felt connected to one another. Their definition of an American identity is one in which the individuals of america felt equal to one another. The golden rule is one phrase in which directly correlates to the meaning of the American identity. In todays society it is seen as the equality amongst all no matter your religion, race, or culture. Link to info- https://www.ushistory.org/us/13a.asp
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The declaration of independence was signed. This legal document then stated why the 13 colonies left the British empire. This was both legalistic and practical. We know the declaration today and celebrate it due to how it is known for all men being created equal. Link to info- https://www.ushistory.org/us/13a.asp
  • Battle of Saratouga

    Battle of Saratouga
    On October 17, of 1777 the Americans had defeated the British. In the battle of Saratouga, the British had surrendered then allowing us Americans to take the win in the battle. This was great for the Americans because France had then seen this and joined them in war to aid them in the future. https://www.history.com/topics/american-revolution/american-revolution-history
  • Continental Army 1779-1781

    Continental Army 1779-1781
    During these couple years the Americans had faced a great set back. This is due to two major things that happened. One of which included the British. This was because the Americans had lost General Benedict Arnold to the British. He had planned with them in a secret negotiation to turn over the U.S. post at West Point in return for money. https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/mutiny-of-the-pennsylvania-line
  • The cotton gin

    The cotton gin
    In 1792 a man by the name of Eli Whitney stayed at the Savannah plantation of Mrs. Nathanael Green. Mr. Whiteny had built a device during this time that would take these comb like teeth and brush it through cotton. When doing this it removed many needlesome seeds making it easier to get cotton. It took approximately 10 hours to get cotton with very little profit. https://www.ushistory.org/us/27a.asp
  • President Washington

    President Washington
    During this time, in September of 1796, Washington had departed from being president of the United States. He then also left the capital of Philadelphia. When doing this, George was not fond of farewells. Due to this reason he used his departure to make a final statement on his political philosophy. https://www.ushistory.org/us/
  • Slave Trade

    Slave Trade
    The slave trade was an event in which forced African Americans form the border states. This included Missouri, Kentucky, West Virginia, Delaware, and Maryland. The Americans had forced people from Chesapeake into the cotton belt, removing them form their homes and to upper Georgia all the way through to eastern Texas. Most people who moved to the southwest during this time were enslaved blacks as their land was claimed by the Americans. Link to info- https://www.ushistory.org/us/
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana Purchase was known to be the first state to join the union based on being purchased. This was known as the biggest priced fore modest federal budget of the day. This is due to the price in which the U.S. bought Louisiana for. Napoleon had sold this large amount of land for a small sum of 15 million dollars. https://www.ushistory.org/us/
  • The Liberator

    The Liberator
    William Lloyd Garrison was known as the voice of abolition. He was the one in which became leader of the anti slavery movement. Mr. Garrison had published his first edition of the Liberator in 1831, which was about the abolishment of slavery. This piece had reached thousands worldwide. Although, he was hated and loved by many due to his ceaseless, uncompromising position on the moral outrage that was known as slavery. https://www.ushistory.org/us/28a.asp
  • Independence of Dr. John Galt

    Independence of Dr. John Galt
    The beginning of the super independence of Dr. John Galt. Dr. Galt was one of the first to open and work at an eastern lunatic asylum in Williamsburg, Virginia. This was the first publicly supported psychiatric hospital in America. In which there was warehousing for the mentally sick. Dr. Galt had many ideas for the insane, seeing as he was convinced they had dignity. He used drugs as a form of “talk therapy.” Link to info- https://www.ushistory.org/us/
  • “Manifest Destiny”

    “Manifest Destiny”
    This word was made by a newspaper editor by the name of John O’Sullivan. He had created this phrase to describe the mindset of people as they swept the nation demanding territory. During this time the mentality was “every man is equal”, which in the end ruled their optimism. People who crossed the nation went to claim and settle for land under the Louisiana Purchase.
    Link to info- https://www.ushistory.org/us/
  • The compromise of 1850

    The compromise of 1850
    This act was essentially when people overturned the Missouri compromise and left the issue of slavery unsettled. Although these problems were unsettled they still considered it “done”, and split benefits amongst the north and south. The north benefited more in the end though. The senate was said to be balanced with free states, even though California voted with the south on many issues. Link to info- https://www.ushistory.org/us/
  • The election of 1860

    The election of 1860
    The election of 1860 is one of the most pivotal presidential elections. Lincoln was then elected president. The main point of his presidency was the issue of slavery and states rights. Lincoln had dominated northern states which were the ones against slavery. This then had established the two political parties still known today as the democratic and republican parties. Link to info- https://www.history.com/topics/american-civil-war#civil-war-mathew-brady
  • The Emancipation Proclamation

    The Emancipation Proclamation
    The slave trade was an event in which forced African Americans form the border states. This included Missouri, Kentucky, West Virginia, Delaware, and Maryland. The Americans had forced people from Chesapeake into the cotton belt, removing them form their homes and to upper Georgia all the way through to eastern Texas. Most people who moved to the southwest during this time were enslaved blacks as their land was claimed by the Americans. Link to info- https://www.ushistory.org/us/
  • The Military Reconstruction Act

    The Military Reconstruction Act
    The military reconstruction act of 1867 was passed. This divided the south into five different military groups. These groups or districts made new governments that would then be made and designed. These people were the ones who held positions that belonged to the southern democrats, but were then taken over to override President Johnson. Link to info: https://www.ushistory.org/us/35.asp
  • Railroads

    On May 10 of 1869, two railroads met at Promontory Utah. Railroads were most important to the Industrial Revolution. As railroads became more popular they were used for trading and transportation. The railroads dropped the shipping prices by 60-70% saving people a great deal of money. When the common folk heard about the construction of the railways, parades started as a celebration. The transcontinental railroad was then made. https://www.ushistory.org/us/
  • The compromise of 1877

    The compromise of 1877
    The compromise of 1877 is seen as the end of the reconstruction period. The reconstruction period followed after the civil war in order to rebuild the United States. The new attempts to take away the new rights of African Americans were withdrawn of the union troops. There were negotiations with the south that were then revoked once the new presidential administration were in charge. Link to info: https://www.ushistory.org/us/35.asp