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US History: VHS Summer: Kassidy Lynch

  • Period: 1492 to

    US History: VHS Summer: Kassidy Lynch

    This timeline will show the events that happened in early America that have contributed to the way America is today.
  • Jamestown Settlement

    Jamestown Settlement
    This was the first permanent English settlement in the new world. The settlers in Jamestown were expected to keep up a good economy through gold mining which led to a lack in farming and lack in supply of food. Only 38 of the original 144 male settlers survived the soon to follow Malaria outbreak. In 1609-10 the Starving Time occurred causing many casualties of settlers and incoming settlers. Despite these struggles Jamestown is still a historic site in Virginia.
  • The Start of Slavery

    The Start of Slavery
    Slavery was the beginning of systemic racism in the US. Slavery became legal in Virginia in 1661 but the first African Americans to come to Jamestown in 1619 were indentured servants, they served times as slaves then lived the rest of their life freely. There were higher demand for slavery in the south. Slaves were shoved into ships to their owners land with barely enough space to breathe, many died of disease or starvation. Slaves were abused by their owners and almost all of white society.
  • The French Indian War/The 7 Year War (

    The French Indian War/The 7 Year  War (
    This war was French/Indians against Britain over land in North America. The war lasted 7 years. At the time France was the dominant power in land. George Washington led many failed battles in the beginning of the war and it wasn't until William Pitt captured Louisburg that the British began to gain power. French Commander John Wolfe was killed which gave Britain Quebec, followed by Montreal. Soon France was wiped out of North America leaving Britain as the dominant power.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    This was the last step in the USA gaining independence from Britain. The US and Britain had many conflicts over taxes and government for the last 8 years. After many battles Britain was beginning to feel defeated. In 1783 the nations came together to sign the treaty. Britain declared the US independent from them and that was the end of the Revolutionary War. ( )
  • Federalism (

    Federalism (
    Federalism is a name given to the people who supported the ratification of the constitution. The aspects and beliefs of federalism are similar to those of nationalism. The main belief that all federalists have is that the success of America relied on the creation of a strong central government. With this, there were anti-federalists who believed that the constitution would take away independent sovereignty and would take away any power the people have over the government resulting in tyranny.
  • Constitution (

    Constitution (
    After much conflict over between federalists and anti federalists the constitution was ratified. It took the writing of the Federalist Papers to convince some states but the Federalist more or less dominated the ratification process.This is arguably the most impact event in creating the American Republic.Our government today is still based of of the branches and powers introduced by the constitution.The anti federalists helped create the Bill of Rights promising independent rights for the people
  • The Industrial Revolution (

    The Industrial Revolution (
    The Industrial Revolution in America refers to a time when America really advanced in many aspects of their culture. Many believe the beginning of the revolution was when Samuel Slater created the first factory for cotton spinning. Other advancements made were railroads, turnpikes, and other new means of travel created.This created a new life style for producers and consumers of all these processes. This created a whole new work field for women especially.
  • The Louisiana Purchase/Westward Expansion (

    The Louisiana Purchase/Westward Expansion (
    The Westward expansion was a big event in the growth of America. The US bought over 600 million acres of land from France in the Louisiana purchase. This brought more people and innovation to America. The west become predominately farm land. Railroad were built to export crops across the country and factories to manage crop yields. Some could argue that this was the beginning of the Industrial revolution to follow.Although there was much conflict over the land it didn't stop the Us from growth.
  • Two-Party System

    Two-Party System
    In America today we have two main political parties, Democrats and Republican, and this is known as the two party system. Early signs of this system can be seen in 1790s where the federalists and anti-federalists fought over the ratification of the constitution. But the turning point of which the system was shaped to be the way it is today is during the Era of Good Feelings. Democratic-Republicans were a majority of the population but as democrats found new values the republican party emerged.
  • Abolitionists (

    Abolitionists (
    In the early to mid 19th century, white abolitionists helped to free slaves, mostly in northern states. As these slaves were freed they not only could live their life without being property but they also were able to support and join the people helping free slaves. African American abolitionists are responsible for many movements and events that contributed to the abolishing of slavery in 1865. The majority of conductors in the underground railroad were abolitionists.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    During Andrew Jackson presidency, there was much conflict with the western native tribes. Jackson wanted the western land to be fully used for the American economy and the native wouldn't contribute this way. Even after tribes like the Cherokee tried to create their own government as other American colonies did, in 1831 Jackson forcefully removed all Native tribes from their land and moved them westward along the Trail of Tears. Nearly 1/4 of the Natives died along the way.
  • Mexican-American War

    Mexican-American War
    Under the presidency of James K. Polk, there was a war between Mexico and America after many years of conflict of the areas of California, Texas, and New Mexico. The Americans more or less dominated the whole war and concluded with the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo which awarded America with new land. This land was soon used by Americans for profit during the California Gold Rush. Abolitionists were worried that slavery would spread to the new areas. The new land brought success and conflict.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    Following the Mexican American war, there was dispute over if the new lands will become slave states or free states. The compromise of 1850 benefited both the southern and northern states in different ways. California was named a free state along laws on slave trade in some slave areas. The south passed the fugitive slave law, northerners were required to report and return runaway slaves to their owners. In the end, many free states didn't withhold this law so the north had the biggest victory.
  • Underground Railroad

    Underground Railroad
    The underground railroad was a route that led slaves around America freely. There were conductors who led slaves through this route to safe places nightly. These conductors were either previous slaves but mostly abolitionists. Harriet Tubman may be the most famous conductor, she first created this to free her family. This caused a lot of conflict as it was seen to slave owners as stealing their property. (
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    The Civil war was the bloodiest one yet for America despite it being 4 years long. It began due to conflict around the south seceding from the union and creating a confederacy. Battles such as the one in Antietam left 22,000 soldiers dead in a day.Although the intent in the beginning of the war wasn't to end slavery, that is what came out of the war with the creation of the 13th Amendment. Lincoln led the North and Robert E. Lee led the south. The North had "won" the war simply due to power.
  • Reconstruction

    Reconstruction was the time period after the civil war when America was rebuilding their society with the addition of the 13-15 amendments. These granted freedom to African Americans and Abolished slavery. Blacks were beginning to get involved more in the work field and even government. This time provided opportunities for African Americans that they didn't have before. However, racial discrimination grew and left some African Americans in a similar situation as the were pre-war.
  • Domestic Terrorism

    Domestic Terrorism
    Domestic Terrorism was a large part of the Reconstruction Era. White Supremacist groups would physically abuse and attack African Americans even after they were given equal rights. Groups such as the Ku Klux Klan would perform "Massacres, lynching, rape, pillaging and terror" against African Americans. Many believe that due to groups like these made the war useless and that after the war everything went back to the way it was.
  • Lincolns Assassination/ Emancipation Proclamation

    Lincolns Assassination/ Emancipation Proclamation
    Abraham Lincoln was the president throughout the whole war. He also created the Emancipation proclamation which is sometimes thought to have abolished slavery, this is not the case. The proclamation only applied to the confederate states and was a way to weaken their power. Slavery was abolished in the making of the 13th amendment. Lincoln was elected for a second term after the war and A white supremacist named John Wilkes Booth assassinated Lincoln as he didn't want an anti-slavery president.
  • The American Identity

    The American Identity
    The American Identity isn't something that was made on a certain date and is something that, arguable, continues to change. Our identity is the way we portray ourselves to the world. A good way to describe our history up to now and our current identity is a diverse country at war with itself. We are continually criticizing each other as Americans with vastly different views. We have and continue to grow and make change and that is a big part of our identity. (no source)
  • Current State of Native Americans

    Current State of Native Americans
    Native Americans are the people who have been in this country the longest. They were contentiously kicked out of their own land for new settlers and immigrants to settle. The American Government had promised them healthcare, schooling, and such as a compromise after kicking them from their land. Now, Native Americans live on independent reservations and the government don't help them as much as promised. This is a controversial topic that is still being dealt with today.