uso del petrolio en toda su historia

  • 2016 BCE

    Mexican oil

    Mexican oil
    There was an increase in the petrol which I cause strike famine, low salary for deciciones of the government
  • 2007 BCE

    The annual production of crude oil in Mexico

    The annual production of crude oil in Mexico
    The annual production of crude oil in Mexico increased until the number of 1 237 reached millions of barrels, being outlined in this item the field of the complex Cantarell. Nevertheless, it informs for some national means that this giant field considered in since the second major one worldwide, had begun his decline.
  • 2004 BCE

    The petroleum international market

    The petroleum international market
    It faces a series of circumstances that caused a high volatility in the oil prices, being located in the levels that were not had from the decade of the eighties. The war in Iraq and other international conflicts they were the fundamental reason of the volatility. The increasing demand of oil for China and the India they contributed to the rise supported of prices.
  • 1996 BCE

    pemex exploration, production

    pemex exploration, production
    PEMEX Exploration and Production achieved a production of crude oil of 1 043 millions of barrels, " the highest volume in the history of Mexican Oils ". Of this quantity 74.6 % was corresponding to the marine regions of the northwest and south-east. The quality of the production was composed by 52 % of light crude oil and superlight and the rest of heavy crude oil.
  • 1986 BCE

    The crisis of the oil

    The crisis of the oil
    It provokes that PEMEX reduces his exports to 470 million barrels, a decrease of 12.5 % with regard to the year of 1983, year in which it had reached the highest level of exports till then.
  • 1970 BCE

    The imports of petrols and diesel

    The imports of petrols and diesel
    The drastic increase of the imports of petrols and diesel, it reflects the orientation of the national demand of oil: this one not only was growing very rapidly, but it was going increasingly towards distilled light and intermediate. The national apparent consumption of petrols rose up to an average annual rate of 7 %, from 1965 to 1970, compared with 4.8 % in the previous five year period.
  • 1966 BCE

    Mexican oils

    Mexican oils
    Mexican oils it stops exporting crude oil for the first time in his history and it reduced substantially the exports of derivatives and natural gas. In addition, the national output already was not allowing to satisfy fullly the internal demand.
  • 1965 BCE

    Mexican institute of the oil

    Mexican institute of the oil
    The IMP arose as part of the efforts in the vertical integration of the petroleum industry that they had as intention develop the scientific own investigation and reduce the high costs from the import of technology.
  • 1956 BCE

    Semistate Petrochemical company of Mexico

    Semistate Petrochemical company of Mexico
    In order to produce ammonia anhidro, to distribute and to apply fertilizers. New facilities are inaugurated in Minatitlán's refinery
  • 1944 BCE

    The imbalance

    The imbalance
    The imbalance between offer and demand you hospitalize it turns Mexico into a clear importer of petroleum products (petrols, fat and lubricating oils). The government estadunidense, by means of the Eximbank, realizes a lending to Mexico of 10 million dollars that are destined to the extension of Azcapotzalco's refinery and to the production of necessary petrol of high octane rating in the aviation.
  • 1940 BCE


    Is reformed as a single entity that vertically charges the entire oil industry, from exploration to final consumer sale. National hydrocarbon reserves fall from 1 270 to 1.25 billion barrels.
  • 1933 BCE

    The Mexican Oil Company

    The Mexican Oil Company
    The Eagle discovers the deposits of Poza Rica, Veracruz, becoming this zone a new region of great potential. The project of a national oil company takes shape with the creation of the Compañía Petróleos de México, S. A. (PETROMEX), a company with mismanagement and private investors
  • 1925 BCE

    Railroad transport system

    Railroad transport system
    The Englishman Stephenson managed to put into operation this new system of transport between two mining localities. The rapidity and cheap cost of transport facilitated and developed the trade
  • 1922 BCE


    There is a collapse of international oil prices as the large deposits of Texas, .The Mexican government issues a decree that establishes an export tax on crude oil and oil products to be covered in domestic gold or public debt bonds.
  • 1921 BCE


    This year's total production reached a record figure of 193.4 million barrels, an amount that would not be reached until years after the expropriation of the industry. Mexico ranks second as a world oil producer. By then more than 200 private oil companies operated in the country.