US History

  • France's Normandy Coastline

    An allied force of more than150,00 troops and 800 aircraft assault 50 miles of france coastline more than 4,000 troops died trying to get pass the coast line
  • Cherbourg

    The allies capture the French port of Cherbourg; the Germans retreated
  • Germans occupation

    Allied troops,with the help from of the French resistance led by general Charles de Gualle to liberate paris
  • The Batlle of Bugle

    Hitler ordered troops across to Luxenburg to push back the Allied forces.
  • Germanys retreat

    Germany forces retreat to Germany as U.S. Troops cross the Rhine on the country's Western Front
  • Hitlers death

    Hitler in a bombproof bunker and he poisons his mistress and then shoots himself his mistress name was Eva
  • V-E Day

    the war is finally over after Germany surrenders and Hitler is dead and all different countries celebrate the end of WW2