Vietnam Era

By SWM12
  • Communism in Vietnam

    Communism in Vietnam
    -Vietnam, U.s. , France
    -political impact
    -the U.S. sides with France and Vietnam goes to soviet union
  • First Indochina war

    First Indochina war
    -France and Vietnam
    -political impact
    -the war starts by France refusing Vietnamese independence
  • Vietnam divided

    Vietnam divided
    -social impact
    -vietnam was divided into 2 sections which were north and south vietnam
  • France

    -france wants to keep it's colony in south east, but the communist Vietminh drove France out
    -first indochina war
    -domino theory
  • Diem Assassination

    Diem Assassination
    -social impact
    -south Vietnam erupts
  • Gulf of Tonkin Incident

    Gulf of Tonkin Incident
    -U.S., North vietnam
    -political impact
    -U.S. improved presidential power
  • Tet Offense

    Tet Offense
    -U.S. and vietnam
    -social impact
    -napolm and agent orange did a lot of damage
  • election of 1968

    election of 1968
    -election of 1968
    -at home
    -social impact
    -Vietnam has major impact from who ran
  • President Nixon

    President Nixon
    -social impact
    -Nixon is now president
  • In the war

    In the war
    -advanced weaponary
    -U.S. and vietnam
    -many deaths
  • U.S. is fighting each other

    U.S. is fighting each other
    -U.S., Vietnam
    -at home
    -social impact
    -U.S. is fighting each other
  • 1969 incident

    1969 incident
    -social impact
    -U.S. is fighting each other
    - at home
  • Vietnamization

    -U.S., Vietnam
    -social impact
    -U.S. troops are being evacuated
    -at home
  • Spying

    -social impact
    -nixon is impeached for spying illegaly
  • nixons bombardment

    nixons bombardment
    -at home
    -political impact
    -the biggest war in vietnam
  • involvement in the war

    -at home
    -nixon ended U.S. involvement in the war
  • War powers act

    -political impact
    - at home
    -this limited the presidents power
  • Leaving vietnam

    -social impact
    -last americans are scrambling so that they can get out of vietnam as fast as possible
  • Through out the war

    • U.S and canada -social impact -citizens leave because they are scared of being drafted
  • vietnam:1975

    -social impact
    -vietnam ends up ending the war