Vietnam Timeline Activity

By mdambra
  • Advanced Weapons in the War

    Advanced Weapons in the War
    -US and Vietnam
    -Napalm and agent orange killed many and destroyed many Vietnamse Corps
  • Declaring Independence

    Declaring Independence
    -Japanese surrendered
    -Ho Chi Minh, a communist, organized to shut down French colonial rule
  • Vietnam Binded

    Vietnam Binded
    -Vietnam splits into North and South
  • The First Indochina War

    The First Indochina War
    -France wanted to keep its colony in Southeast Asia,but the communist Vietminh drove the French out
  • Americans get Attacked

    Americans get Attacked
    -Vietcons attacked an American base at Pleiku in South Vietnam
    -killed eight americans
  • Crackdown against Opponents

    Crackdown against Opponents
    -Diem ordered a crackdown against his opponents
    -John F.Kennedy withdraw support from Diem
    -at home
  • Diem Assasination

    Diem Assasination
    -South VIetnam became very corrupt
  • Gulf on Tonkin

    Gulf on Tonkin
    -North Vietnamse torpedo beats attacked American destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin
  • Tet problems

    Tet problems
    -Tet offensive
    -celebrations as cover
  • Nixon in Office

    Nixon in Office
    -Richard Nixon was in Office
    -he enforced the "Silent Majority" and "Law and Order"
    -at home
  • Cambodia

    -US, Vietnam, Cambodia
    -war spreads and leads Cambodia to become an enemy
    -at home
  • US Tensions

    US Tensions
    -US tensions were growing
    -Us are now fighting each other
    -at home
  • The First Impeachment

    The First Impeachment
    -United States first impeachment

    -Nixon is impeached for spying illegally
    -at home
  • Vietnam War fled Inflation

    Vietnam War fled Inflation
    -high unemployment
    -temporary freeze on rent, wage, and prices
    -helped the economy, but not much
    -at home
  • Kent State

    Kent State
    -Kent state
    -A protest at Kent State turns violent; four students are killed by National Guard members
    -at home
  • Nixon traveling

    Nixon traveling
    -nixon annouced he would visit mainland china
    -this was to improve relations with china
    -at home
  • SALT Action

    SALT Action
    -Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
    -Nixon and the soviet leaders signed
    -restricted number and type of nuclear warheads and missles each nation could build
    -at home
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    -Watergate Scandal
    -fiver men who had been hired by Nixon's reelection committee to spy on the Democrats
    -at home
  • Conroy of Tears

    Conroy of Tears
    -North Vietnam ends the war by killing South Vietnam soldiers in the Central Highlands
  • Southeast Asia

    Southeast Asia
    -North Vietnam defeated South Vietnam and the region's countries fell under communist control