Vietnam War

  • Japan takes over Vietnam

    Japan takes over Vietnam
    After France got occupied by Germany, it lost it's foothold over Vietnam, and Japan took control. Vietnamese forces resisted Japan and the French took back over, but needed help from U.S to keep it's colony
  • Period: to

    Vietnam War

  • Geneva Accords

    Geneva Accords
    The Geneva Accords divided Vietnam into a Sotuh and North Vietnam at the 17th paralell. The north was communist, the south was democratic.
  • U.S backs coup to over throw Diem

    U.S backs coup to over throw Diem
    Diem was elected to be South Vietnam's president, but his goverment proved to be a corrupt regime. The U.S overthrew him but the new goverment that formed proved to be just as corrupt.
  • The Gulf of Tonkin attack

    The Gulf of Tonkin attack
    North Vietnamese troops allegedly fired on U.S Navy ships in the Gulf of Tonkin. After this happened, the Gulf of Tonkin resolution was made so we could join the war
  • The Tet Offensive

    The Tet Offensive
    The North Vietnam and the Viet Cong armies launched an attack campaign called the Tet Offensive, named after the Vietnam New Year. Over 30 U.S targets were attacked. Although it was a tactical victory, media showed it as a defeat, and morale of soldiers went down to a point when they killed innocent villagers.
  • Pentagon Papers published

    Pentagon Papers published
    When the Pentagon Papers were published into U.S magazines. It revealed that Nixon authorized the bombings of Laos and Cambodia. An enormous scandal erupted, and Nixon had to make a peace settlement.
  • Nixon bombs North Vietnam

    Nixon bombs North Vietnam
    After secret negotiations between a U.S emissary and a North Vietnamese representative Nixon bombed North Vietnam to force them into a settlement.
  • Cease-Fire between the U.S and North Vietnam

    In January, a cease fire was signed between the U.S and North Vietnam.
  • U.S leaves Vietnam

    In March, the U.S military personnel finally left North Vietnam.
  • Nixon resigns

    President Nixon resigned in 1974, while North Vietnam increased bombings of South Vietnam.
  • North Vietnam launches all out offensive on Vietnam

    In the Spring of 1975, North Vietnam launched an all-out offensive on South Vietnam.
  • The War is Over

    The War is Over
    Finally on April 30 1975 , North Vietnam captured the South Vietnamese capital, Saigon, and subsequently unified both countries into one, ending the war