
Vietnam War

  • Danger Close

    Danger Close
    As President Deim arrives at the Ban Me Thuot Economic Fair he is shot at but missed. However Secretary of Agrarian Reform is wounded.
  • French on the Bench

    French on the Bench
    Diem came up with an agreement with the French. For them to withdrawl Air forces and Naval training mission.
  • Just some minor problems

    Just some minor problems
    Elbridge Durbrow the new US Ambassordor of South Vietnam, warned Department of State that Deim was more intorlant of opinions. That he was heavily relying on his circle of advisors which including his family.
  • Send'em in

    Send'em in
    The number of US millitary personel was increased 692 to 736.
  • Guerrilla Warfare

    Guerrilla Warfare
    Vietnam began the campaign for Guerrilla Warfare
  • Man Down

    Man Down
    US millitary pesonnel had 13 wounded in three terroist bombing of the MAAG and US Information services installitions in Saigon. 30 more terroist incidents happened, ending the year with 75 officials killed or kidnapped.