Weapons of the vietnam war h

Vietnam War

  • Declaring Independence

    Declaring Independence
    Abroad event in North Vietnam, this was a social event. North Vietnam became an independent communist nation.
  • First Indochina War

    First Indochina War
    Abroad event in Vietnam that was social. The French were defeated at Diehbieanphu and were no longer controlled Vietnam.
  • Vietnam Divided

    Vietnam Divided
    Abroad event in North and South Vietnam, a political event. An international conference determining temporarily dividing into two states.
  • Growing American Involvement

    Growing American Involvement
    Abroad event in South Vietnam, a political event. After the fall of Diem, South Vietnam became unstable, Dwight Eisenhower soon ordered an increase of military advisers.
  • President John F. Kennedy is Assassinated

    President John F. Kennedy is Assassinated
    At Home and a political event. Lyndon Johnson became president and became more focused on the war.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    Abroad Event in North Vietnam, a political event. North Vietnamese torpedoed boats, attacked U.S destroyers, President Johnson asked congress for the authority to do whatever was needed to resolve the conflict.
  • Nation Divided

    Nation Divided
    At home and a social event. Americans input on the war became divided. They split into two camps, hawks and doves, hawks supported the war while doves opposed the war.
  • Military Buildup

    Military Buildup
    Abroad Event in South Vietnam, a political event. After the U.S. base was attacked in South Vietnam, Johnson ordered the first American troops to South Vietnam to attack North Vietnam
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    Abroad event in South Vietnam, this was a social event. South Vietnam was celebrating their new year holiday, North Vietnamese soldiers launched a series of attacks on major cities in South Vietnam.
  • Election of 1968

    Election of 1968
    At home and political event. After Johnson's term ended, Richard Nixon won the presidential election o 1968.
  • Economic Freeze

    Economic Freeze
    At home and economic event. Richard Nixon ordered a temporary freeze on wages, prices, and rents.
  • Bombing Cambodia

    Bombing Cambodia
    Aboard event in Cambodia, a social event. The U.S. began bombing communist bases in Cambodia to pressure North Vietnam to negotiate peace.
  • Vietnamization

    Abroad and political event in Vietnam. Nixon announced a policy to gradually withdraw troops from Vietnam, South Vietnam would take responsibility for the war.
  • Kent State Killings

    Kent State Killings
    At home and social event. After the attacks on Cambodia, National guardsmen at Kent State opened fire on protesters killing 4 students.
  • Jackson State College Killings

    Jackson State College Killings
    At home and social event. Fighting issued between African American students and white students at Jackson state, police opened fired killing 2.
  • Easing Tensions with China

    Easing Tensions with China
    At home and social event. Nixon decided to open contacts between China and the U.S, Nixon soon visited China and their leaders.
  • Easing Tensions with Russia

    Easing Tensions with Russia
    At home and social event. Soon after Nixon visited China, he visited the Soviet Union and signed the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT).
  • Watergate Scandle

    Watergate Scandle
    At home and political event. During his reelection, Nixon was caught spying on the democrats when police arrested five men who were hired by Nixon to break into the Democratic Party.
  • Paris Peace Accords

    Paris Peace Accords
    Abroad event in Paris, a social event. The peace were signed by Vietnam and a cease fire was established.
  • Military Spending

    Military Spending
    At home and economical event. The U.S. had very high price tag to the war costing over 200 billion, this damaged the U.S. economy for years.