Vietnam War

By kathill
  • Provisional Government created by Ho Chi Minh

    Provisional Government created by Ho Chi Minh
    After World War II Japan surrenders to Allied forces, Ho Chi Minh and his People's Congress establish the National Liberation Committee of Vietnam, and they declare themselves independent from French rule
  • The Indochina War

    The Indochina War
    The Vietnam attacked the French worse than they ever had before. So the French decide to fight back and are prepared for however long this war may take to achieve their desired outcome. This is what started the Indochina War that ends up lasting eight years. This also played a role in leading up to the Vietnam War.
  • China's Assistance

    China's Assistance
    China decides to step in and really help Vietnam in the war. They send both military advisors and more advanced weapons. With the assistance of China now General Giap improved his guerrilla fighters into an actual army.
  • U.S. Financial Assistance

    U.S. Financial Assistance
    The United States sends the French $15 million to assist their military during the Indochina War. Along with the funds, America sent in advisors and military mission to aid the French. These advisors were known as the Military Assistance and Advisory Group, (MAAP)who met and strategized in Sigon. These funds and assistance strengthened the French army.
  • Battle of Dienbienphu Begins

    Battle of Dienbienphu Begins
    The Vietminh attack the French at Dienbienphu with an army of 40,000 men. They use the Chinese to block off the airstrip making it impossible for the French to receive any necessary supplies. After this the French were in for a reality check of what they have gone up against. And Eisenhower refused to assist them because of his "Domino Theory" thinking if we get involved America will suffer.
  • Diem President

    Diem President
    Diem rejects Geneva Accords, despite the U.S., Britain, and France urging him to do otherwise and negotiate with the North. Then Diem rigs an election and becomes the President of the Republic of Vietnam.
  • U.S. Training South Vietnamese

    U.S. Training South Vietnamese
    The French were no longer able to stay and fight in Vietnam so they had to leave. With the absence of the French, President Kennedy sends in special forces. The United States steps begins training the South Vietnamese forces.
  • Diem Killed

    Diem Killed
    The United States implied approval of Diem's capture. The South Vietnamese military overthrows and captures Him and his brother Nhu. Then the both of them were assassinated by the Vietnamese.
  • Kennedy Assassinated

    Kennedy Assassinated
    President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas. His death had an effect on America's involvement in Vietnam. The United States participation was uncertain because it was now up to the vice President, Lyndon Johnson, on how to proceed.
  • Gulf of Tonkin

    Gulf of Tonkin
    Three North Vietnamese PT boats allegedly fired torpedoes at the USS Maddox in the international waters of the Tonkin Gulf. A second attack allegedly took place on August 4.
  • Marines arrive at Da Nang

    Marines arrive at Da Nang
    The first American combat troops, the ninth Marine Expeditionary Brigade, arrive in Vietnam to defend the U.S. air base at Da Nang.
  • Fighting at the la Drang Valley

    Fighting at the la Drang Valley
    First major encounter between the North Vietnamese and thew United States Army. Brutal non stop battle that had lasted five days. Both sides had reported heavy casualties.
  • M Lai Incident

    An American platoon led by Lt. William Calley slaughtered a village by mainly women andf children
  • The Last US Troops Leave Vietnam

    The Last US Troops Leave Vietnam
    More than three million Americans served during the Vietnam War. Of that one thousand had been declared missing in action, one-hundred and fifty thousand wounded and up to sixty thousand were dead due to this war.