Vietnam War

By wanyeh
  • Vietnam became independent

    Vietnam became independent
    Vietnam declared its independence from Japan after Japan had surrendered in World War 2 and his army seized the capital of Vietnam ,Hanoi
  • The Geneva Accords

    The Geneva Accords
    The document that was to seperate Vetnam into two and call for a cease fire ,the divided country will have different forms of government ,the north has a communist leader and the south a democacy ruled by the French.
  • New government

    New government
    The monarchy of Vietnam was overthrew and replaced by Prime Minster Ndo Dinh Diem who soon elected himself as president.
  • Guld of Tonkin Resolution

    Guld of Tonkin Resolution
    North Vietnam sent a missle after a US ship and after that President Johnson supported the idea of helping South Vietnam and brought US tropps to fight North Vietnam.
  • Investigation and Protest

    Investigation and Protest
    The Un-American Activities Commitee were searching for Americans that were supporting or giving supplies to the Viet Cong men and to put a law against it ,but protestors turned up to speak against the war.
  • Execution

    Suspicion upon an officer to be part of the Veit Cong was killed in front of witnesses and persuaded some citizens in America to support the US militray into going to Vietnam.
  • Troops in Vietnam

    Troops in Vietnam
    At the time of 1968 ,Johnson sent over five hundred thousand US troops to South Vietnam ,but many were killed as the war went on.
  • American Election

    American Election
    Lyndon Johnson ran his re-election ,but a man named Eugene McCarthy also wanted to be elected president. Both had diffrent views of the Vietnam War. Johnson believed the war should go on until the North Vietnanamese surrebdered while McCarthy opposed against the war.
  • Peace Negotiation

    Peace Negotiation
    A representative from both the US and North Vietnam traveled to France where they were talking about peace between America nad North Vietnam,but the negotiation faltered leaving the war to continue.
  • Massacre in My Lai

     Massacre in My Lai
    A troop leader in Vietnam ordered his soldiers to kill citizens in My Lai including youths ,adults ,and elders ,but were soon stopped my other military personnel.
  • Trials against the Enemy

    Trials against the Enemy
    The Vietnanmese Government were searching for citizens that might protest against the new form of government and brought harm against political opponents and the president for himself so the peopple could not partake in the election.
  • Paris Peace Accords

    Paris Peace Accords
    The Paris Peace Accord were signed after Nixon ordered American soldier to evacuate Vietnam and later ended all US military actions .