war of 1812

  • Period: to

    Impressment of Americans

    Impressment is the capture of one another's citizens for forcing them into being in any military occupation of the impressing country. over 15,000 Americans were impressed for the Napoleonic Wars for Britain. This was one of the reasons why the United States declared war.
  • Inauguration of President Madison

    Inauguration of President Madison
    President Madison had just been Secretary of State under the Jefferson Administration and had just been through Embargos and dealing with impressment of those Americans. Madison led the United States during the War of 1812.
  • Battle of Tippecanoe

    Battle of Tippecanoe
    The Battle of Tippecanoe was considered the first battle of the War of 1812. It was fought between Tecumsah and William Henry Harrison, which was trying to stamp out the opposition and British-allied Native Confederations. Harrison ended up pushing back the Natives and burning the village they attacked.
  • Period: to

    Anti-climatic First Years

    The British were already busy fighting the French in the Napoleonic Wars, which lasted till 1815, leaving very little extra resources for the British to have any major battles against the Americans. That's not to say there weren't battles however - there still were some, but not a lot.
  • Formal Declaration of War

    Formal Declaration of War
    On June 18, 1812, Madison signed the official declaration of war against Britain. This marked the first time the United States had formally declared war, which has only happened 5 times in its entire history. This was also one of the closest margins of war voting, with the Senate beating out the opposition by just six votes.
  • Peace Negotiations Begin

    Peace Negotiations Begin
    In August of 1814, British and American diplomats met in Belgium to begin discussing a peace treaty between the two nations. The talks would last until December of that year.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    The Treaty of Ghent is signed and ratified, bringing an end to the war.
  • The Burning of Washington DC

    The Burning of Washington DC
    The Burning of Washington crippled American morale during the war. British soldiers set ablaze the White House and Capitol building, and other buildings, causing the fleeing of the city. This blow led to a weakening of the Americans. Pictures, silver, and other important artifacts were saved from the White House by First Lady Dolly Madison. The District was burned in retaliation to the Americans burning York.
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    Status Quo Ante Bellum

    The Treaty of Ghent changed absolutely nothing territory wise and marked the last time there was formal war engagement between the United States and Britain (until 1961). The only thing the war changed (or rather, reinforced) was the US' standing as an independent country.
  • The Battle of New Orleans

    The Battle of New Orleans
    Although occurring after the end of the official war, Andrew Jackson, Frenchmen, and some Native Americans were able to defeat the British in the Battle, pushing them out of the Gulf of Mexico. The British plan was to siege the port city to tey and cripple supplies - which, ultimately, failed. The victory at New Orleans catapulted Jackson to secure a future presidency.