war of 1812

  • Washington's proclamation of Neutrality

    Issued by Washington in response to war between Great Britain and France
  • Jay's Treaty

    Created the federal court system with Supreme court and lower courts
  • Washington's farewall address

    he warns against permanent foreign alliances
  • Tecumseh the Prophet

    His brother had a vision that said he was a prophet, after predicting a eclipse, people flocked to him and he was a religious leader. He recruited Indians for the confederacy to stop Americans from taking their land. Rallied Indians together.
  • Embargo act

    When the US said they would no longer trade or associate with France or Great Britain- didn't work, economy fell
  • Chesapeake- leopard affair

    Royal navy followed the Americans to Hampton roads to capture them if they went back to sea- they stationed ships at Norfolk and blocked the mouth of the Chesapeake bay
  • Impressement of Saliors

    Great Britain was capturing sailors when they were seizing ships- one of the causes of the war
  • War Hawks

    Name for Americans who wanted to start the war with Great Britain
  • War of 1812 begins

    War with Great Britain and it started because they were seizing our ships, arming natives, violating our personal rights, and impressment of US sailors (forcing them to fight for other countries).
  • Tecumseh's death

    Indian political leader and war chief- killed by Americans. After his death, the North West Indians withdrew from the war.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    The British were planning an attack in New Orleans and was going to take control of the Mississippi river (large part of trade route for the US) Andrew Jackson recruited all free men and all available weapons. US won.
  • Hartford Convention

    Protested the War of 1812
  • Treaty of Ghent

    The treaty that ended the war between US and Britain