War of 1812

  • Jefferson reelected

    Jefferson reelected
    Fedralist Adams vs Republican Jefferson. Jefferson won.
  • Embargo act of 1807

    Embargo act of 1807
    The embargo act prevented the U.S. from trading with other countries.Lots of people lost jobs.
  • Madison become President 1808

    Madison become President 1808
    Jefferson did not go for a third term so maddison won. The Fedralist hoped the anger from the embargo act would help pickney get elected.
  • Battle of Tippecanoe

    Americans won but the Tecumseh teamed up with Britain
  • War of 1812 begins

    The Americans underestimated the power of Britain and there indian allies and thought that they could make an easy victory aganist Britain.
  • Battle of Thames

    Tecumseh lost his life in a famous battle against Britain after the aliance broke.
  • Battle at lake Erie

    Britich soldiers started to become strongerand they planed an attack on Washington D.C. After they ved in Chesapeke Bay they destroyed their way throgh the ranks of soldiers and burned the buildings down. After the battle Francis Scott Key wrote the stars spangled banner.
  • The battle at Lake Champlain

    Britain tried to take over Plattsburg but the Americans won. The British feared the Americans would surround them so they retreated back to Canada.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    It was just a peace treaty that didn't change the boarders or anything just peace between America and Britain.
  • Battle at New Orlens 1815

    Before word of the treaty British advanced on New Orlens to attack But America won.