Week 6 - WWII

  • Benito Mussolini-italy

    -Fascism was an authoritarian political movement that developed in Italy and other Europeans countries after 1919
    -Fascist program emphasized intense nationalism,productivism,anti socialism,elitism an the need for a strong leader Mussolini
  • Stalin-USSR

    -Joseph Stalin was a powerful communist leader in the early years of the soviet union.He was a dictator who terrorized the population and sent many people to prison and labor camps
    -One of the communist leader's greatest task was collectivize farming.Stalinn created a state-owned farms
    -While Stalin was the leader he steadily increased his power.Many of his enemies were shot or sent to siberia
  • Period: to

    Axis power

    -includes germany japan and italy along with other
    Prime purpose was to establish and maintain a new order
    they supported each other goal territortal expansion wanted the destruction of the soviet union and knowledge each other supremacy in their geographic area
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    Allied powers

    Great britian vs China & soviet union along with others
    - Prime purpose was to defeat the axis powers and create the peaceful post of world war
  • japanese expansion

    In september 1931 japan army moved into machuria after an explosion damaged a railway line near the city of Mukdenn
    Wanted to control china and its asian markets
    they could use for economic prosperity ad trading routes would be a key role for the spread of their imperialism
  • Adolph Hitler-German

    -A dictatorship requires one person and one party to be in control of a nation and a climate of fear
    -Personal freedom disappeared in Nazi Germany
    -Hitler asked Hinderburg to grant him emergency powers in view of the "communist takeover"
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    War bonds/Rationing

    War bonds- The sale of war bonds also reduced the amount of currency in the economy, also helping to keep inflation rates down.
    - 85 million Americans bought bonds, bringing 185 billion into the federal treasury to help with the war effort.
    -Ration coupons were used for essential goods like food, coffee, tires, gasoline, and even clothing.
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    Advance technology in wwII C

    • Torpedoes were used to destroy submarines & ships from long distance due to bullets not damaging them.
    • Bombing raids were used to destroy anything in a certain area, such as factories that produce military equipment in WWII
    • Wolf Packs were German Submarines that had mass attack tactics against convoys. A group of ships, warships + Submarines that that attack a certain target all at once.
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    tuskegee airmen

    their main job was to provide escorts for pilots on bombing missions
    by 1944 the army had come under pressure to allow african americans to engage in combat on the ground
    and also form an african american infantry division
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    Victory Corps

    the purpose of this student organization was to prepare high school students to aid in the war efforts on the homefront and the frontliness
  • Germany expansion

    -Germany started acquiring German speaking areas lost after ww1 like Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary & Poland
    -Increasing a global political division emerged between democratic societies and totalitarian states (Germany) actions, at first nothing went Germany did not stop an all out war occured
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    Volunteerism in WW2(Red Cross)

    At home
    -Began blood donor services in america to produce lifesaving plasma for the armed forces,served in hospitals,produced emergency supplies,collected scrap,ran victory gardens,& maintained training programs
    -Became the chief providers of relief supplies in europe,served as field directors,provided support for troops ,operated clubs,& were attached to military hospitals
  • M1 Semi Automatic rifle & Radar

    M1 - The design of the M1 allowed the Americans to fire more shots against the germans & Japanese
    Radar - Battles were one by the side that was first to spot enemy airplanes, ships, or submarines. The radar helped see hundreds of miles away even at night.
  • rationing

    rationing is the controlled distrution of scarce resources and goods
    rationing items were gasoline tires meats butter and jellies
    people had to use rationing goods which were issued to each family based on its size
  • civilian defense organization

    Roosevelt set up the office of civilian defense to coordinate state and federal measures to project civilians in war related emergancy . the OCD organized the us citizens defense corps to recruit and train volunteers to perform essential task
  • Women in the Military

    WACS-Women army corps
    -Auxiliary unit
    -Women were doing the office things and the men in the offices were shipped over seas to fight
    -The women did paperwork,supply food,telegrams,etc
    WAVES-women accepted for volunteer emergency service in the navy
    -At the end of WW2 the women couldn't stay in the navy
  • lend lease program

    purpose: FDR introduced the lend lease program to congress. it was intended to help Britian beat back hitlers advances while keeping america only indirectly involved in ww2
    result: lend lease program provided for military and to any country whose defense was vital to the security of the united states
    effect: lend lease program was the principal way to get out of the great depression
  • pearl harbor

    2 waves of japanese airplanes attacked the U.S. pacific fleet stationed in pearl harbor
    attacked sank 18 U.S. ships
    damaged 260 airplanes
    killed and injured 6000 americans
    famous quote "a date which will live in infamy the united states of america was suddenly and deliberatly attacked by naval and air forces of the empire of japan"
  • Period: to

    U.S office of War Information

    Responsibilities-Control the contest and imagery of war message & make citizens aware of how they could help in the war effort
    Activities-Produced radio programs,newsreels,asked citizens to contribute time & money,create products,conserve resources,donate,and stir up distrust to lower enemy and population morals to promote surrender
  • Douglas MacAuthur

    -Was an american five star general and field marshall of the philippine army. He was Chief of staff of the U.S army during the 1930s and during WW2 led the island hopping commander of the allied forces in the southwest pacific
  • Bernard Montgomery

    -Was a senior british army officer who fought in both wars
    -during the second war he commited the british eighth army
    -committed on the 21st army group for the rest of the campaign
    -In the w=north western europe essential to success on d-day in 1944 as his role as grand commander of the anglo american forces under eisenhower as supreme allied comander
  • executive order

    -Was a US presidental executive order and signed during WW2 by FDR
    The document ordered the removal of resident enemy allies from parts of the West vaguely identified as military areas
    9066 affected italian and german americans the largest numbers of detainees were by far japanese
    -This order permitted military commanders to require Japanese american to relocate to the interior internment camps away western coastal regions
  • battle of midway

    the battle of midway pushed the war tide in favor of the allied powers since it was one of the most decivise U.S. victories against Japan
    the U.S. inflicted permant damage on the japanese navy;this was the turning pain of U.S. against Japan
  • Period: to

    Island hopping

    Island hopping was effecting the tide in favor of the allied powers b/c they kept pushing japanese forces out of the islands, through the offensive against the island of Guadalcanal in the solomon archipelago which had marred the beginning of "island hopping" fought between august 1942 and february 1943 eventually succeed in forcing japan to relinguish the island
  • bataan death march

    the bataan death march happened after the U.S. surrender of the Bataan paninsula it affected the war tide in favor of the axis powers. allied prisoners were forced to march 6.5 miles to prison campos, where thousand died from disease mistreatment and stantation
  • isoroku yamamato

    japanese marshal admiral and commander in chief of the combined fleet
    played a vital role (executed the suprise attack) in pearl harbor which made japan victories
  • chester w nimitz

    was lending the us army authority on submarines
    he was the last surviving officers who ranked as a fleet admiral
    admiral chester was appointed commander in chief of the us pacific fleet just after pearl harbor
    he commanded us forces at the battle of midway
    this battle hatted the unurposed advance in the pacific
  • erwin rommel

    field marshal
    germans most popular generals during ww2
    on dday he discussed with officers about surrending
    due to his ties to the plot to overthrow hitlers he was murdered
  • Omar Bradly

    -Was a senior officer of the U.S army
    -He was in service in north america and western Europe during WW2
    -He then became general of the 1st american army to land in france
  • George C. Marshall

    -Throughout the war,general George C.Marshal(1880-1959) acted as chief of staff and the "organizer of victory".He worked with president Roosevelt to urge military preparedness before pearl harbor,built up and supplied an army of 8 million men,and later helped to oversea the creation of the first atomic bomb.
  • george patton

    led the US 7th army in its invasion of sicily and swept across northern france
    Pattons forces played a key role indefeating the german counter attack in the battle of bulge
    patton died in germany in december 1945 of injuries sustained in an automobile accident
  • Dwight D Eisenhower

    -he was a supreme commander of allied forces
    -led the massive invasion of nazi-occupied europe that began on D-day (june 6, 1944)
    -leading republicans convince Eisenhower
    (the in command of NATO forces in europe) to run for president
  • D-day

    The battle that changed the tide of the war for the allies, was foreshadowed to end the dream of Nazi domination D-Day was the longest air, land, and sea operation undertaken. It included over 5,000 ships, 11,000 planes and over 150,000 soldiers.
  • Period: to

    liberation of concentration camps

    pushed towards the victory for the allies because they were slowly starting to shut down Hitlers operations on the nazi take over
    the soviets were the first to reach a concentration camps,majdenenek near lubin Poland due to the rapid soviets advance the Germans had burned the camps but the gas chambers were left standing
    the soviets also overran the sites of the belzec sobrbar treblinca and Auschwitz the largest concentration camps
  • Koremastsu

    -Fred korematsu a japanese U.S citizen taht refused to leave his home in San Leandro,CA
    -court decided the Nation security concern out-weighted the constitutions promise of equal rights
    -The Executive order 9066 banned Japanese alien & non-alien from the U.S
    -50 yrs later it was over turned by congress & apology was given
  • Potsdam Conference

    Participants were the USSR the US and the UK
    -Three powers were represented by communist party general secretary Joseph Stalin,prime minister Winston Churchill, and president Harry S Truman
    -Gathered to decide how to punish Nazi Germany -On july 26 Truman Churchill Chiang Kai Shek issued the Potsdam declaration which outlined the terms of surrender of japan
    -Broke Germany into 3 different parts
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    Fair deal

    -The fair deal was published by president Harry S. Truman and democrats & was intended to pass policies revoked to Franklin Roosevelts new deal.
    - It was intended to see proposals of economic development and social
    - Fair deal included measures to help aid education tax cut for law income tax. People increase public housing and immigration deals and so on, but unfortunately most bills didn't pass.
  • women and minority

    while the men went to fight in the war the women were left to work in the factories. after the war men came back to reclaim their positions at factories but the women didnt want to give them up. spuring up the feministic movement. in the war men of color fought along side white men for the first time. when they got back from the war they were treated with the same racial siurs. sparking the civil right movement
  • The U.S and european countries

    in the us the war happened after the great depression 30 % unemployeement was cut down to less than 5% after the employment boost due to the war. The european countries were left to rebuild. the us lended money to the countries and germany was the only country to fully pay it back in 1990
  • Period: to

    New deal

    the new deal was published by president henry s truman and democrats and was intended to pass policies related to franklin roosevelts new deal
    it was intended to set proposals of economic development and social welfare
    fair deal included measures made to help aid education fax cut for low income people increase public housing and immigration deals and so on but unforunetely most bills didnt pass