Jordans timeline on great philosophers

  • Charles Darwin (1809–1882) Theory of Evolution published 1859

    In Charles Darwins theory of evolution was formed in private from 1837-1839. In 1859 he published that instead of species being created out of thin air they all have a common ancestor. He showed us how a species can evolve over time to help adapted and survive in its new climate or geological location. This theory helped us see how a species can learn to live and how nature will always find a way to live no matter the cost. Below is a short video.
  • Ernst Mach(1838-1916) His development of Optical Photograph 1873 and 1893

    Ernst Mach was known for all his work and studies in Physics. One of his major findings was the ratio of ones speed to that is sound which brought about the Mach Number. At Mach1 the speed of the object matches the sound. At Mach 1.35 you are breaking the sound barrier. This means the object faster than its sounds. Perfect example is a .50 Cal Barret Sniper Rifle. Once fired the round will hit its target before the sound reaches that targets area.
  • Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976) he found a way to formulate quantum mechanics in terms of matrices in July of1925

    His name will be associated with the atomic theory of quantum mechanics. He published his findings in 1925 when he was 23. With his theory that he discovered and applying it, gave us the discovery of alltropic forms of hydrogen. His theory was based on what can only be observe, that is to say. He said that based on Niels Bohrs publishings we cannot just assume the planetary orbits. Below is a short video detailing more of his theory in better words.
  • Karl Popper (1902-1994) Theory of Falsification Published in 1935 and Later translated into English in 1959

    Karl Popper came up with the theory of falsification which states that if it can not be proven through experimentation at that time then it isn't fact. What he believed was that at the moment this is the best we can do with what we have now. In what i can read and see what he says it is that technology gets better every day. A scientist could have a theory that can't be proven till we have the technology to prove it. below is a short video on him.
  • Ernest Negel

    He was born in 1901-1985 and was known for many accomplishments in his life. He is known for his work in "The Structure of Science." He came to America and earned his Ph.D. at the University of Columbia. His specialty was in the mathematical field of science. He taught most of his career at Columbia.
  • Thomas Kuhn(1922-1996)

    Thomas Kuhn is one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century. His book "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" is the most cited works in science. His contribution to science in that he brought a break with many positivist doctrines. He added that science benefits from periods of stable growth. Going through our philosophy of science course I've noticed his works in everything. But I see how his works and knowledge changed so much of how we use science.