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Westward Expansion Timeline

  • cotton gin

    cotton gin
    the cotton gin helped the slaves more then the owners for the slaves had to do all the hard work and it took longer to seperat cotton from the seeds inside by hand, so the cotton gin is an otomatice cotton seperator.
  • xyz Affair between 1797-1798

    xyz Affair between 1797-1798
    this was the affare that brought Amarica to fight in a war with the spansh.
  • Period: to

    the xyz Asggsit

    this was the affare that brought Amarica to fight in a war with the spansh.
  • louisiana purchase

    louisiana purchase
    "The Louisiana Purchase (1803) was a land deal between the United States and France, in which the U.S. acquired approximately 827,000 square miles of land west of the Mississippi River for $15 million."
    in the artical Louisiana Purchase | Thomas Jefferson's Monticello
  • missouri compromise

    missouri compromise
    Missouri Compromise - Facts & Summary - "The Missouri Compromise was an effort by Congress to defuse the sectional and political rivalries triggered by the request of Missouri late in 1819 for admission as a state in which slavery would be permitted. At the time, the United States contained twenty-two states, evenly divided between slave and free."
  • adams onis treaty

    adams onis treaty
    Adams–Onís Treaty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This is a treaty between the US and Spain so the US could get florida and it created a boundry between the US and "new spain"
  • monroe doctrine

    monroe doctrine
    Monroe Doctrine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "The Monroe Doctrine was a U.S. foreign policy regarding domination of the American continent in 1823. It stated that further efforts by European nations to colonize land or interfere with states in North or South America would be viewed as acts of aggression, requiring U.S. intervention."
  • indian removal act/Trail of Tears

    indian removal act/Trail of Tears
    This event was were peresident Andrew jackson was soppost to pass a law that he would nogoshat with the native amarcans for them to move west of the Mississippi River so the us can take there home taratory.
  • the battle of the alamo

    the battle of the alamo
    this was a battle was a way for texas to win there indopendence between the US "mexico" and it was a victory for texas in that atempt.
  • texas claims independence

    texas claims independence
    this is is the same thing as the battle of the Alimo when mexico was fighting its way to gain texas but taxas won and erned there indepemdence from mexico.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    This was a long trip like were all typs of indeans were forced to leave there home and go some were elts.
  • texas annexed to the US

    texas annexed to the US
    this event was great for texas because that was the day that t became a state in texas, the only problume was that mexico threatened the US if they took texas as a state there would be war and when that happened the US and mexico went to war.
  • mexican american war

    mexican american war
    this was when Amarica and mexico had a war because Amarica took texas as a state.
  • Agreement of 49th Parallel

    Agreement of 49th Parallel
    this was about a border line between the canada and the US and it includes the Treaty of Oregon.
  • treaty of guadalupe hidalgo

    treaty of guadalupe hidalgo
    The treaty of guadalupe hidalgo was disined to keep pease and hormany between the US and the Mexican Republic. This helped us to not exactly have a big war between us and them.
  • california becomes a state

    california becomes a state
    The US was expanding and california became part of the US
  • Gadsden Purchase

    Gadsden Purchase
    Arizona Stories - Milestone - Gadsden Purchase the putches was between meico adn the US for a putches of land adn a ralirod that came with the putches.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    The History Place - Abraham Lincoln: Kansas-Nebraska Act "The Kansas-Nebraska Act was passed by the U.S. Congress on May 30, 1854. It allowed people in the territories of Kansas and Nebraska to decide for themselves whether or not to allow slavery within their borders. The Act served to repeal the Missouri Compromise of 1820 which prohibited slavery north of latitude 36°30´."