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WHAP Review: (Emma Shelton)

  • 1450

    Russia overthrows Mongol rule in Moscow

    Russia overthrows Mongol rule in Moscow
    Ivan III the Great was the grand prince of Moscow and the grand prince of all Russia. During his reign, the Russian state gained independence from the Mongol Tatars, finally ending 200 years of their rule. (1450s-1480s)
  • Period: 1450 to

    Land-Based Empires

    The era between 1450 and 1750 saw the appearance of several land-based empires who built their power on the use of gunpowder: the Ottomans and the Safavids in Southwest Asia , the Mughals in India , the Ming and Qing in China , and the new Russian Empire.
  • 1453

    Ottoman conquest of Constantinople

    Ottoman conquest of Constantinople
    The conquest of Constantinople dealt a massive blow to the defense of mainland Europe, as the Muslim Ottoman armies were then left unchecked to advance into Europe without an adversary to their rear. Constantinople was converted into a new Ottoman capital, Istanbul.
  • 1464

    Songhai Empire

    Songhai Empire
    Gao, Songhai's capital, which remains to this day a small Niger River trading center, was home to the famous Goa Mosque and the Tomb of Askia, the most important of the Songhai emperors. The cities of Timbuktu and Djenne were the other major cultural and commercial centers of the empire. (1464-1591)
  • 1501

    Safavid Empire

    Safavid Empire
    Well, they established one of the largest Iranian empires post Muslim conquest of Persia, enabled the Persian language and culture to flourish and established Shia Islam as the official religion of their empire. (1501-1722)
  • 1526

    Mughal Empire

    Mughal Empire
    The Mughal rule over India is called an Empire because it stretched over a large area. When it was biggest it ruled most of the Indian subcontinent, then known as Hindustan, and parts of what is now India, Afghanistan and modern Pakistan and Bangladesh. (1526-1748)
  • 1552

    Russian Empire Begins

    Russian Empire Begins
    At the height of its expansion, the Russian Empire stretched across the northern portions of Europe and Asia and comprised nearly one-sixth of the earth's landmass.
  • 1556

    Akbar the Great rules the Mughal Empire

    Akbar the Great rules the Mughal Empire
    He extended Mughal power over most of the Indian subcontinent. In order to preserve the unity of his empire, Akbar adopted programs that won the loyalty of the non-Muslim populations of his realm.(1556-1605)
  • Taj Mahal Built

    Taj Mahal Built
    The Mughal emperor Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal to expressed his love for his late wife, Arjumand Banu Begum popularly known as Mumtaz Mahal, after her marriage to him. Mumtaz Mahal means "Jewel of the Palace" which exemplified his love for her.
  • Qing (Manchu) Empire

    Qing (Manchu) Empire
    The Manchus successfully conquered China to become the last Chinese Dynasty. Although the Manchus were not considered "Chinese" at the time, they quickly merged into Chinese life and were led by some of the greatest emperors in Chinese History. (1688-1911/12)
  • Peter the Great rules and Westernizes Russia

    Peter the Great rules and Westernizes Russia
    Peter implemented sweeping reforms aimed at modernizing Russia. Heavily influenced by his advisers from Western Europe, Peter reorganized the Russian army along modern lines and dreamed of making Russia a maritime power. (1689-1725)