
What are the top 10 weirdest planets?

  • The Planet of Diamonds

    The Planet of Diamonds
    The tenth weirdest planet was discovered on August 30th, 2004. The planet 55 Cancri e, has a blue-y, ombre-y look to it, and shines bright like a diamond. Literally! A third of the planet is actually solid diamond. The planet is about twice as big as Earth.
  • The Planet of Burning Ice

    The Planet of Burning Ice
    The ninth weirdest planet is Gliese 436 b, which was discovered on August 31st, 2004, which is a day after 55 Cancri e was discovered! The planet is basically made up of ice, except that the icy surface is constantly burning on fire at 439˚C! HOW DOES ICE BURN ON FIRE WITHOUT IT MELTING? Anyways, the reason why this happens is because the planet actually sucks up the melted ice and brings it down to the core, which then the water gets compressed into a solid form.
  • The Planet of Three Stars

    The Planet of Three Stars
    The eighth planet is HD 188753 Ab. It was discovered sometime in 2005. The planet not only has one star, not two stars, but THREE DIFFERENT stars. If you lived on this planet, you would experience triple shadows and constant eclipses.
  • The Planet of Flying Glass

    The Planet of Flying Glass
    The seventh planet is HD 189773 b. The planet was found orbiting the star HD 189773 a on October 5th, 2005. This planet constantly rains glass sideways. The planet's atmosphere is covered in silicone particles, which gives it its beautiful blue colour. Since the planet has super high surface temperature, the silicone particles turn into glass which flies everywhere!
  • The Planet of Darkness

    The Planet of Darkness
    The sixth weirdest planet is TrES-2b. In fact, the name itself is already weird. TrES-2b was discovered on August 21st, 2006. Did you know that the planet only reflects 1% of light? This is mainly because of the gas that is all over the planet, but scientists are not 100% sure why it doesn't reflect that much light.
  • The Planet of Possibilities

    The Planet of Possibilities
    Gliese 581 c is next on the list! It was discovered on April 24th, 2007. Scientists are saying that this planet might support alien life, though it is very different from Earth. It orbits a red, small star, which means if you look up in the sky, it would be a crimson red colour. Also, one side of the planet is so hot that it will melt you alive, and one side of the planet is so cold it will freeze you alive. There is one part of the planet that is just right, which is perfect for aliens.
  • The Egg Shaped Planet

    The Egg Shaped Planet
    The third planet on this list is WASP-12b, which was discovered on April 1st, 2008. This planet is apparently slowly being eaten by its own star. The planet is so close to its star that it is actually burning the planet as it orbits around it. The planet is about as big as Jupiter, though it looks bigger because the molten lava on its star which is causing it to "swell up." In fact, it's getting eaten up so fast that it now looks like an egg!
  • The Planet of Puffiness

    The Planet of Puffiness
    On August 11th, 2009, WASP-17b was discovered. The planet is 1.9 times bigger than Jupiter. The planet is considered a puffy planet. Puffy planets are when a planet is very big, but has a low density. The planet also rotates the opposite way of its star. The scientific term for that is retrograde.
  • The Planet of Water

    The Planet of Water
    Imagine if you were in the middle of nowhere. No land to see, just water. What do you feel? Well, that’s what GJ 1214 b would make you feel like. The planet was discovered on December 16th, 2009. The planet’s surface is literally made up of water, and it continues miles underneath the surface until you hit the core. The core is coated in ice, though the ice isn’t actually frozen water, but water that has been very pressured and then turned into ice. Weird, isn’t it?
  • The Planet of Life

    The Planet of Life
    Last, but not least is Kepler 438 b. The planet was discovered on January 6th, 2015. The planet isn’t strange because of unknown science-y things, but because it is the closest planet to be like Earth. This planet is perfect for people to live on, though it is about 470 light years away from Earth so it might take a long time to get there.
  • Credits To...

    Credits To...
    David (me) - Creator
    Miss. Chan - Look-Over
    Miss. Gee-Schultz - Goof-Proofer