
William Clark

  • Date of Birth

    Date of Birth
    William Clark was born on August 1, 1770 in Caroline County Virginia.
  • Clark Resigned From Army

    Clark Resigned From Army
    William Clark resigned from his military position because of his health. William Clark's army career started when he joined the militia. In 1792 George Washington commisioned him a lieutenant of infantry. Durring Clark's time in the army he built and supplied forts along the Ohio River.
  • Recruited To Lead Corps of Discovery

    Recruited To Lead Corps of Discovery
    Mayweather Lewis wrote a letter to William asking him to join the Corps of Discovery. William Clark and Mayweather Lewis had been friends during their time in the army. Maryweather Lewis saw Clark's army and survival skills when they were in the army. When Lewis was working in the government he was asked to lead The Corps of Discovery, and he had to choose an assistant. William Clark was eventually chosen because of their relationship.
  • Louisiana Purchase Announced

    Louisiana Purchase Announced
    In 1803 the United States bought 828,000,000 squre miles of land from France. This made the U.S. two times bigger. Even though William Clark didnt know it yet this purchase was going to change his life. Then about a month later he was Recruited to lead the Corps of Discovery.
  • Departed On The Adventure To The West

    Departed On The Adventure To The West
    The Corps of Discovery departed from St. Charles, Missouri. On their journey they discovered countless indian tribes. They also discovered new animal spicies and game. As the Corps moved to the west they recorded their every move in journals and on maps.
  • Fort Mandan Was Built

    Fort Mandan Was Built
    Fort Mandan was built durring the winter of 1804. This fort was built as a winter shelter for The Corps of Discovery. It was named after the local indian tribe. It is loacted in Washburn, North Dakota.
  • New Animals and Game Are Discovered

    New Animals and Game Are Discovered
    Durring their adventure The Corps of Discovery stumbled new animals. The Corps hunted and ate every animal that they saw, so they found many spiecies that had never been discovered. Some animals discovered were Prairie Dogs and Grizzly Bears. Alot of their discoverys were often sent back to Washington D.C.
  • The Journey Ended

    The Journey Ended
    The journey ended back in St. Louis, Missouri. Clark and his team were seen as heros after their two year journey. William Clark's maps were used untill the 1840's. The information collected by The Corps of Discovery was used for years to come.
  • William Clark Got Married

    William Clark Got Married
    William Clark married Julia Hancock. William and Julia were married in Fincastle, Virginia. Durring their marrige they had five children. Julia Hancock sadly died in 1820.
  • William Clark Becomes a Member of The Freemasons

    William Clark Becomes a Member of The Freemasons
    Clark was issued a certificate by Saint Louis Lodge. A Freemasonry was a fraternal organization. These organizations thrace their roots back to the local fraternities of stonemasons. They were created during the fourteenth century.
  • William Clark Married His Second Wife

    William Clark Married His Second Wife
    On January 5, 1821 William Clark married Harriet Kennerly Radford. Like Clark she had lost her husband. William and Harriet had two children. Durring this time many od Clark's children died making it a hard time for him.
  • Date of Death

    Date of Death
    William Clark died on September 1, 1838.