William Golding

  • Born English 10 Jakob Rickli

    Born in 1911in England
  • Early Years English 10 Jakob Rickli

    A year before he graduated. He published a book about different kinds of poems.
  • Navy English 10 Jakob Rickli

    After golding got done in the army world war 2 ended. After the war golding returned to writing and teaching
  • Lord of the files English 10 Jakob Rickli

    Published Lord of the Files it was his first novel to publish. Story was about two boys stranded on a deserted island.
  • Legacy English 10 Jakob Rickli

    Golding is always remembered by all of his novels. His most novel was the rites of passage.
  • Death English 10 Jakob Rickli

    Golding died quietly in his home with his wife. Golding died of a heartattack.