
William Shakespeare

By liseent
  • Apr 23, 1564

    William Shakespeare is Born

    William Shakespeare is Born
    Although no birth records exist, it is believed Shakespeare was born around April 23, 1564. Church records indicate he was baptized at Holy Trinity Church in on April 26, 1564. Shakespeare was the third child of John Shakespeare and Mary Arden. Shakespeare's birth is significant because he wrote many works that have influenced cultures for centuries. Analyzing this man's work provides insight into the culture and society in the Elizabethan Era. (Encyclopedia of World Biography 142)
  • Jan 1, 1568

    Oba Nounaga Attemps to Unifiy Japan

    Oba Nounaga Attemps to Unifiy Japan
    Oda Nobunaga was a powerful daimyō of Japan who attempted to unify Japan around 1568 during the late Sengoku period, a time with constant military conflict. He conquered provinces with his military. In the end, he was able to conquer half of the Japanese provinces. This is significant because Oda Nobunaga's attempt to unify Japan ended the petty wars of Japanese feudalism, restoring a stable government. A new era was established and remained in power for two centuries. ("Oda Nobunaga")
  • Jan 1, 1571

    Shakespeare Attends School

    Shakespeare Attends School
    There are no records of Shakespeare's education, but it can be assumed he attended King Edward VI Grammar School (King's New School) in Stratford-upon-Avon at age seven. They offered grueling education by highly qualified teachers. Shakespeare studied materials like Latin grammar, logic, rhetoric, and composition. This is significant because these advanced studies allowed him to be an intelligent poet and playwright. Being taught by experienced teachers gave Shakespeare many skills. (Lander 346)
  • Jul 19, 1572

    Wanli Begins Reign as 13th Emperor of Ming Dynasty

    Wanli Begins Reign as 13th Emperor of Ming Dynasty
    Wanli, born Zhu Yijun, began his reign as the 13th emperor of the Ming Dynasty on July 19, 1572. At first, he was aided by the Senior Grand Secretary, Zhang Juzheng. However, when Juzheng died, Wanli took complete control of the government and became very avaricious. This event was significant because Wanli's neglect of his duties as emperor was a significant factor in the decline of the Ming dynasty. His reign experienced fiscal and military pressures that carried on after he died. (Skolnik)
  • Jan 1, 1576

    John Shakespeare Stops Attending Town Meetings

    John Shakespeare Stops Attending Town Meetings
    John Shakespeare, the father of William Shakespeare, was a successful businessman involved in many occupations such as glove-making and trading. He held many responsible positions in Stratford's government and served as mayor in 1569. By 1576, he encountered financial difficulties that put him in severe debt. He withdrew from public life and failed to attend council meetings. This was significant because it negatively affected Shakespeare's childhood, as his family was now in debt. (Wells 295)
  • Shakespeare Marries Anne Hathaway

    Shakespeare Marries Anne Hathaway
    On November 28, 1582, Shakespeare, at 18 years old, married Anne Hathaway, age 26. They were married in Worchester in Canterbury Province. At the time of the marriage, Hathaway was already several months pregnant, and gave birth six months later. This event is significant because it is when Shakespeare started a family and found someone he loved. One of his sonnets referenced Anne Hathaway, suggesting she "saved his life", showing he had a meaningful connection with her. ( Editors)
  • Defeat of Spanish Armada

    Defeat of Spanish Armada
    The Spanish Armada was a fleet of 130 ships sent to conquer Protestant England by Philip II. After eight hours of fighting, the English naval force, under the command of Lord Charles Howard and Sir Francis Drake, was victorious and crushed the Spanish on August 8, 1588, forcing them to retreat. This was a significant event because by defeating the Spanish navy, Britain became the strongest naval power in the world, boosting English pride for years. ( Staff, "Spanish Armada Defeated")
  • Robert Greene Criticizes Shakespeare's Work

    Robert Greene Criticizes Shakespeare's Work
    By 1592, Shakespeare attracted the hostile attention of a jealous rival, Robert Greene. He was one of the first to attempt to make a career of writing. He published "Greene's Groats-worth of Wit", which criticized and contained harsh references to Shakespeare. This is significant it proved Shakespeare was well known enough to be someone worth criticizing. Scholars agree that this pamphlet was Greene's way of saying Shakespeare was above his rank and more skillful than him. (Lander 347)
  • Theaters Closed Because of Plague

    Theaters Closed Because of Plague
    From mid-1592 to 1594, London authorities frequently closed theaters due to repeated outbreaks of the plague. This closing changed how professional acting companies could operate, as their budgets were severely reduced. 137 million people were killed by the plague. This is significant because without income provided by acting and playwriting, Shakespeare turned to poetry. He published "Venus and Adonis", which was extremely popular and reprinted 15 times during his lifetime. (Lander 347)
  • Globe Theater Built

    Globe Theater Built
    The Globe Theater was built by the Chamberlain's Men after they were forced to move out of the Theatre due to disagreements with the landlord. Richard Burbage and the Chamberlain's Men dismantled the Theatre and used the timber to build the Globe Theater across Thames, which could accommodate 3,000 spectators. This is significant because the Globe Theater was a major source of income. It remained a home to the company until 1642 during the English Civil War. (Mabillard, "The Globe Theater")
  • Queen Elizabeth I Dies

    Queen Elizabeth I Dies
    On March 24, 1603, Queen Elizabeth I died, after 44 years of rule. She had strengthened England and created peace. Her reign is known as the Elizabethan era, which is famous for the flourishing of English drama. Her death is significant because she was succeeded by her cousin King James I, who loved theater. He supported Shakespeare and the Chamberlain's Men and had a close professional bond with them. The culture of this era also affected Shakespeare's work and its characters. (Lander 348)
  • King James Issues Royal Liscence to King's Men

    King James Issues Royal Liscence to King's Men
    After Queen Elizabeth I died, she was succeeded by her cousin James VI of Scotland, later known as James I. James enjoyed and actively supported the theater. He issued a royal license to Shakespeare and the Chamberlain's Men, allowing them to be called the King's Men. In return, they would entertain the king at court. This is significant because it allowed Shakespeare company to keep performing. The King's Men achieved unequaled success, becoming London's leading theatrical group (Wells 298)
  • Jamestown Colony Estabilshed

    Jamestown Colony Estabilshed
    On May 14, 1607, a group of 100 English colonists founded Jamestown, Virginia with a charter from the Virginia Company to establish a colony in the New World. However, Jamestown was plagued by disease and Native American attacks, though they were able to survive with help from Pocahontas. This is a significant event because Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement in America, as well as where John Rolfe first cultivated the cash crop tobacco. ( Staff, "Jamestown Colony")
  • Invention of Telescope

    Invention of Telescope
    Athough Galileo Galilei is generally thought to have invented the telescope, he was only the first one to use it. Hans Lippershey is believed to be the true inventor of the telescope, as his patent application date was earliest on September 25, 1608. He was able to magnify objects up to three times by combining curved lens. This was significant because the telescope changed our view of the universe. People learned the size and structure of our planets, as well as their appearances. (Wethington)
  • Laws of Planetary Motion Published

    Laws of Planetary Motion Published
    Johannes Kepler, a German astronomer and mathematician, proposed three principals of planetary motion, published in 1609. Kepler was the first to understand the planets in our solar system moved in ellipses, not circles. He then arrived at three principals of planetary motion, also known as Kepler's Laws. This was significant because these principals revolutionized planetary astronomy and help us understand the motion and orbits of the planets. This influenced modern astronomy. (Henderson)
  • William Shakespeare Dies

    William Shakespeare Dies
    Shakespeare died on April 23, 1616 due to unknown causes. He died a month after singing his will, which states he was in "perfect health". He left most belongings to his daughter Susanna, leaving little to his wife. Although Shakespeare died, his legacy carries on. The dramatist Ben Johnson wrote, "He was not of an age, but for all time". His plays are highly popular and constantly studied and reinterpreted. He has influenced literature in modern times. ( Staff, "William Shakespeare")