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World History 1 Timeline

  • The Gunpowder Plot

    The Gunpowder Plot
    The Gunpowder Plot was a plan made by some Catholics who felt they were being treated badly by the king. The plan went that they would hide barrels of gunpowder under the Parliament building. They would wait until parliament came into session and then light the fuse and blow them all up. However, the plan failed and Guy Fawkes(the person sent to light the gunpowder) was captured and tortured.They found out who was in charge and in on the plan, and tortured and executed them as well.
  • The Petition Of Rights

    The Petition Of Rights
    This petition was signed by King Charles I. It was signed as a trade with Parliament for money. It stated the King could not jail people without good reason, make taxes without Parliaments agreement, or quarter soldiers in others homes. The King, however, ignored this, and went about things as they always had been.
  • John Locke Date of Birth

    John Locke Date of Birth
    John Locke was a important Enlightenment philosopher. He believed in natural rights(life, liberty, and property). He also believed that humans were born naturally good. He was born August 29, 1632 and died October 28, 1704.
  • The English Civil War

    The English Civil War
    The English Civil war was a war fought between the Roundheads(supporters of Parliament) and the Royalists(supporters of the King). This war was caused by Charles the I wanting absolute power and no Parliament, and Parliament wanting equal power to the King. This war continued for 10 years and eventually ended on September 3rd, 1951.
  • The Execution Of Charles I

    The Execution Of Charles I
    The execution of Charles the I took place on January 30th, 1649. This was after the Roundheads defeated the Royalists in the English Civil War. This was the first public execution of a Royal.
  • Montesquieu’s Date of Birth

    Montesquieu’s Date of Birth
    Montesquieu was a great Enlightenment philosopher. He spoke and wrote on ideas such as, checks and balances and separation of powers. He strongly disagreed with monarchy. Montesquieu had a great impact on American Government. He was born January 18,1689, and died February 10, 1755
  • Edward Jenner Birth Date

    Edward Jenner Birth Date
    Edward Jenner began the idea of vaccines separate from inoculations. Specifically, he invented the vaccine for smallpox one of the greatest threats to human life at that time. He did this by taking a very similar disease in cows and inserting it into humans. This allowed humans to not become sick, but still become less prone or immune to the disease.
  • Eli Whitney Brith Date

    Eli Whitney Brith Date
    Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin. This allowed it to be more efficient to pick seeds out of cotton to then turn it into thread. He also invented interchangeable parts for guns. This was revolutionary for guns because you now did not have to buy a whole new gun when one thing broke.
  • Voltaire Date of Death

    Voltaire Date of Death
    Voltaire was a great Enlightenment Philosopher. He believed and wrote about freedom of speech and religion. He also strongly believed in separation of church and state. He was incredibly independent and attacked all enemies. He was even put in prison twice. He died May 30, 1778
  • Samuel Slater Birth Date

    Samuel Slater Birth Date
    Samuel Slater was originally from Britain. The British at this time were forbidden from bringing invention details to America. However, Samuel Slater was able to make it all the way to America with instructions he has memorized. He is therefore called the Father of the Industrial Revolution in America, but he was called Slater the Traitor in Britain.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    The Bastille was a state prison on the east side of Paris. Is supposedly housed the worst of criminals. It also stored gunpowder which the Revolutionaries needed severely. This caused a mob to storm it. This was seen as the beginning of the French Revolution.
  • Women’s Bread March On Versailles

    Women’s Bread March On Versailles
    Women got together to protest the price of bread. This later lead to a March on Versailles that the guards could not control. The king then had to flee to Paris to get away from the mob of women. This was seen as a vital part of the French Revolution later.
  • Samuel Morse Birth Date

    Samuel Morse Birth Date
    Samuel Morse invented the telegraph. He wanted a way to communicate over long distances efficiently. How he did this was with Morse code which consisted of dots and dashes to represent letters and numbers.
  • Royal Family Attempts to Escape

    Royal Family Attempts to Escape
    The King, Queen, and their children all tried to flee France. The Revolution was getting messy and it was best for the Royal Family to leave. However, King Louis XVI was recognized, and the roads were then barricaded and they could not escape.
  • King Louis XVI Execution

    King Louis XVI Execution
    King Louis XVI was the King of France at the time of the Revolution. He had two children and was married to Marie Antoinette. He was called a fat pig and many people did not like him. He was sentenced to the guillotine and died at 38.
  • Marie Antoinette

    Marie Antoinette
    Marie Antoinette was the Queen of France at the time of the French Revolution. She was said to be spoiled. She was an Austrian princess, and married King Louis XVI when she was 14. She left behind two children and died at the age of 37.
  • Day Rosetta Stone was Uncovered

    Day Rosetta Stone was Uncovered
    The Rosetta Stone was discovered by Napoleon and some of his troops. It was written in three different languages on stone. It was the beginning to understanding Egyptian Hieroglyphics.
  • Napoleon’s Coronation

    Napoleon’s Coronation
    Napoleon was crowned emperor on December 2nd 1804. This was his choice title after already having gone through two. He allegedly put the crown on himself to show his power over the church.
  • Abolition of The Slave Trade Act (1807)

    Abolition of The Slave Trade Act (1807)
    In 1807 Parliament passed the Abolition of the Slave Trade act. This meant that there could be no more buying or selling people. This, however, did not mean that the people already in slavery were free it just abolished slave trade.
  • Napoleons Exile to Elba

    Napoleons Exile to Elba
    Napoleon was exiled to Elba after being removed from the position of emperor. He had pretty good living conditions and was even aloud visitors. He did escape somehow and was free for a period called The 100 days.
  • Queen Victorias Birth

    Queen Victorias Birth
    Queen Victoria was the most influential figure of the Victorian era. The whole era was even names after her. She was Queen for 64 years before she died. She influenced wearing white to a wedding and very influential mourning practices.
  • Louis Pasteur Birth Date

    Louis Pasteur Birth Date
    Louis Pasteur helped develop germ theory. The germ theory is the idea that germs are present and can cause sickness. Germ theory led to things like antiseptics and pasteurization. It allowed people to be aware of how easily diseases could pass and how they could prevent this.
  • First Interview Of the Sadler Interviews

    First Interview Of the Sadler Interviews
    The Sadler Interviews were conducted to see if new laws were needed to be made to help working conditions. Micheal Sadler originally proposed work hours to be 10 hours for 18 and under. This did not pass Parliament, however, they agreed to look into it. They interviewed many people with first hand accounts on factory conditions.
  • Reform Bill of 1832

    Reform Bill of 1832
    The Reform Bill of 1832 broadened the number of people who could vote. Before this reform only male landowners could vote, but with the reform middle class men were allowed to vote now. Because some people still did not have the right to vote a group of named Chartists emerged.
  • The Abolition of Slavery Act 1833

    The Abolition of Slavery Act 1833
    After the abolition of the slave trade many people were happy, but not satisfied. There were still slaves in bondage. In 1833 this changed and the Abolition of Slavery Act was made known in Britain.
  • The Treaty of Nanjing

    The Treaty of Nanjing
    The treaty of Nanjing was a unequal treaty signed between Britain and China. This treaty was used to end the Opium Wars. This treaty forced the Chinese to trade with the British, legalize opium, send Christian missionaries, and give up Hong Kong to the British. Soon after there would be a rebellion against these foreigners and their rules.
  • First Telegraph was sent

    First Telegraph was sent
    Samuel F. B. Morse sent the first telegraph which said “ What hath God wrought” He invented the telegraph and invented Morse code to be used on it. This allowed many others to communicate over long distances in a short amount of time.
  • The Berlin Conference

    The Berlin Conference
    The Berlin conference was a gathering of European diplomates to make a set of "rules" about claiming and colonizing Africa. However, there were no African diplomates present, and these foreigners were very close to stepping over ethnic boundaries. They did decide to stop the slave trade in Africa.
  • The Crystal Palace Exhibition Opening Day

    The Crystal Palace Exhibition Opening Day
    The Crystal Palace Exhibition housed many of the wondrous new inventions on the Industrial Revolution. Many of the inventions were from Britain, but they had exhibits from all over the world including America. The walls and ceiling were mostly glass creating a Crystal effect.
  • The Sepoy Mutiny

    The Sepoy Mutiny
    The Sepoys were Indian Soldiers who fought for the British. A rumor began to circulate that the cartridges, that they were tearing open with their mouths, were coated in pig and cow fat. This posed a problem towards their religion, and they thought the British knew that, so they began to rebel which led to the Sepoy Mutiny.
  • Emmeline Pankhurst is Born

    Emmeline Pankhurst is Born
    Emmeline Pankhurst was a women’s suffrage activist. Her husband and children were all involved in the movement. Her daughter and her created the Women’s party. Her family was all imprisoned at one point.
  • Henry Ford Birth Date

    Henry Ford Birth Date
    Henry Ford is often credited to inventing the first car however he just made them more widely available. Ford made the model T very affordable and is probably the reason cars were widely used. He allowed only one color of this car and almost everyone had it.
  • The Boer War

    The Boer War
    The Boers were Dutch settlers who had settled in South Africa. The British assumed that they would simply give up their land to them. The British then found diamonds and gold on Boer soil. The Boer people did not actually give up there land and stood their ground. This resulted in the Boer War.
  • The Boxer Rebellion

    The Boxer Rebellion
    The Boxer Rebellion was started by a group of people who named themselves the Boxers or The Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists. They targeted foreigners, Chinese Christians, and any Chinese people who had connections to foreigners. This rebellion killed an estimate of about 100,000 people.
  • The Russo-Japanese War

    The Russo-Japanese War
    Russia and Japan both had sight on Korea and Manchuria. This caused them to go head to head in war with Japan coming out on top at sea. Japan ended up winning the overall war and signing the Treaty of Portsmouth with Russia, and with Theodore Rosevelt as the moderator between the two.
  • Alexei Romanov Birth Date

    Alexei Romanov Birth Date
    Alexei Romanov was the last heir to the Russian throne. His parents were Nicholas and Alexandra Romanov. He had four older sisters. He was the sole heir to the throne, so it was vitally important that he stay alive. However, this was difficult because he had a blood disorder called hemophilia. They called in Rasputin to try and spiritually heal him, and keep him healthy. Alexei died with His family by a firing squad when he was 13 years old.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Bloody Sunday happened when unarmed peaceful people marched to present a petition to the Czar, but they were attacked by the Imperial Guard. This March was led by Father Gapon. This event made the Czar widely unpopular and was the beginning of his downfall.
  • The Assassination of Franz Ferdinand.

    The Assassination of Franz Ferdinand.
    This event was what was said to kickstart World War I. The assassin was Gabriel Princip, he was a part of a nationalistic group called Young Bosnia. Franz Ferdinand was the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary.
  • Start Date of the Armenian Genocide

    Start Date of the Armenian Genocide
    Military leaders in the Central Powers started to believe the Armenians were traitors. So the Turkish government arrested and executed a lot of Armenian people. The common Armenian people were sent on death marches without previsions. They did horrible things to these people to essentially liquidate their Christian ideas or their population as a whole.
  • The execution Date of Edith Cavell

    The execution Date of Edith Cavell
    Edith Cavell was a British Nurse in the war. She saved lives from both sides of the war efforts. She helped 200 Allied soldiers escape from Belgium which was occupied by Germany. She, however, was arrested for treason even though it was not even her own country. She was then sentenced to death and was shot by a German firing squad.
  • Czar forced to Abdicate Throne

    Czar forced to Abdicate Throne
    Russia was on the verge of Revolution. Citizens protested in the streets on March 8,1917. In the end citizens, the government, and the military refused to obey them. Later he was forced to abdicate the throne, and the Duma was put in charge.
  • The Representation of the People Act Was Passed

    The Representation of the People Act Was Passed
    The representation of the people act allowed Women of 30 to voted. It also allowed all men to vote . The requirements to own property were completely eliminated. This was a major breakthrough in Women's suffrage.
  • The Red Barons Date of Death

    The Red Barons Date of Death
    The Red Baron was a German pilot during the war. He is credited with officially shooting down 80 enemy planes. His plane was bright red. He had a near encounter with death where he was shot in the head although he landed his plane and survived. A while later a Canadian Captain started firing at him along with Australian troops. He had been shot in the chest and crashed his plane. He then died most likely because of a bullet from the troops on the ground.
  • The Death Of the Czar and His family

    The Death Of the Czar and His family
    The Czar and his family had been captured for quite some time. They were tricked into the cellar of a house. Then the Bolsheviks lined up a firing squad and fired used their bayonets to kill them all. They looted the bodies for hidden jewels in the women’s clothing. The bodies were distributed in two separate graves.
  • Lenin’s Date of Death

    Lenin’s Date of Death
    Lenin was the original leader of the communist party. He died in 1924 and led a successful dictatorship in Russia. Lenin did not leave a clear person to follow him in ruling after his death. Even four years after he died they were struggling.
  • Josef Stalin Date of Death

    Josef Stalin Date of Death
    Joseph Stalin succeeded Lenin’s rule in the communism party. He killed thousands of his own people. He struggled with Leon Trotsky over the succession to the Russian leadership. After he won he had Trotsky essentially disappear. Stalin was so incredibly paranoid to a point where he felt he couldn’t even trust his own doctor.