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World History

By Tobyca
  • Gun Powder Plot

    Gun Powder Plot
    Guy Fawkes was caught with a couple tons of powder and was going to blow up the king. Him and the other conspirators had planed to kill the king as he gave an address to parliament. Him and the other conspirators were tortured and then hanged or shot on site.
  • King Charles 1 execution

    King Charles 1 execution
    Charles the first was executed for treason. He was executed after the parliament Puritan backed roundheads won the civil war. They were made for many reasons one of them being he married a catholic.
  • Leviathan published

    Leviathan published
    Thomas Hobbes published this book. He believed that humans were naturally evil from birth. He also believed in a monarchy.
  • Death of Oliver Cromwell

    Death of Oliver Cromwell
    Oliver Cromwell died from malaria. His death wasn’t that sad to the people of England were not that sad because he took all fun away. He was the leader of the Puritan roundheads and commonwealth.
  • John Locke dies

    John Locke dies
    John locke died of being old. He believed that humans were born good not bad. His ideas really influenced the founding fathers.
  • James Hargreaves Born

    James Hargreaves Born
    James Hargreaves was the inventor of the Spinning Jenny. This machine revolutionized the cotton industry. And soon lead to the rise of the industrial revolution the machine it self was invented in 1764.
  • Wealth of Nations is published

    Wealth of Nations is published
    The book was written by Adam Smith. He is known as the father of capitalism. He thought that everyone making money leads to a healthy nation.
  • Samual Slater leaves for America

    Samual Slater leaves for America
    Samual Slater or Slater the traitor as he was called by the British brought factory’s to America. He memorized how to build the machines and then set off for us. The British hated him so much the gave him a new name Slater the traitor.
  • Eli Whitney patented the Cotton Gin

    Eli Whitney patented the Cotton Gin
    The cotton gin revolutionized the farming industry. The machine would pick seeds out of cotton. The machine made slavery more efficient but this was not the intended result.
  • Start of the Greek war for Independence

    Start of the Greek war for Independence
    The Greeks declared war on the ottomans to gain there freedom. This started in 1821 I ended in 1832. This is how they won there freedom.
  • First Locomotive is tested in America

    First Locomotive is tested in America
    The first locomotive was tested in America. The tracks were built by the Delaware Hudson company. It’s two brothers were disabled.
  • End of the Greek war for Independence

    End of the Greek war for Independence
    This was a the end of the Greek war for Independence. On this day they formally won there Independence but the expense of the war he them suffering for years.
  • Treaty of Nanjing

    Treaty of Nanjing
    The treaty of Nanjing ended the first opium war. It was singed on August 29, 1842. It gave Britain Hong Kong and five trading ports.
  • Treaty of Kanagawa

    Treaty of Kanagawa
    The treaty of Kanagawa was signed on 31 March 1854 . The treaty began the opening of japan. It was a treaty signed between the USA and Japan.
  • Big Ben cast

    Big Ben cast
    Big Ben is the iconic clock tower in London. It was built during the Victorian era. It was built on April 4, 1858
  • Death of Prince Albert

    Death of Prince Albert
    Prince Albert was very important to queen Victoria. After he died she continued mourning for the rest of her life. She died of typhoid feaver.
  • Alaska is bought by the USA

    Alaska is bought by the USA
    Alaska was sold to the USA by Russia in March 30 1867. Russia wanted the USA to off set the Britain’s in the pacific. Alaska didn’t become a state till the 1950s
  • Lenin is born

    Lenin is born
    Lenin was born on Apr 22, 1870. He would go on to be one of the leaders of the Bolshevik party. Under his leader ship Russia switched to a one party system and communism.
  • Stalin Is born

    Stalin Is born
    Stalin was born on Dec 18, 1878. Would go on to take over after Lenin and lead the Ussr until 1953. He also killed more people then Hitler.
  • First car drive

    First car drive
    The first car was driven on July 3,1886. It was driven by Karl Benz in Mannheim Germany. It had a top speed of 16kms an hour.
  • Hawaii taken for the USA

    Hawaii taken for the USA
    Hawaii was taken for the USA by a group of businessmen. It was on Jan. 17, 1893 when the forced the queen to step down. The did not want to have to pay taxes on sugar.
  • Death of queen Victoria

    Death of queen Victoria
    Queen Victoria was a vital part of how the Victorian era came about. The way of morning the Victorians had is a copy of the way she did it. Queen Victoria was the most influential person of this time.
  • Treaty of Vereeniging

    Treaty of Vereeniging
    The Treaty of Vereeniging ended the Boer war in South Africa. It was signed on 31 May 1902. The war was between Britain and the immigrants in South Africa.
  • First plane flown

    First plane flown
    The first plane was made by Orville and Wilbur Wright. The flew it for the first time in kitty hawk North Carolina. It only flew for a couple seconds.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Bloody Sunday was on 22 January 1905 in St Petersburg, Russia, when unarmed demonstrators were fired on and killed. This lead to the czar being unpopular and helped cuase the revolution.
  • Start of World War One

    Start of World War One
    WW1 started on July 28, 1914. It started because Austria hungry declared war on Serbia which because of allices drew many others into the war. It ended up being the most deadly conflict in human history to that point.
  • Start of the Gallipoli campaign

     Start of the Gallipoli campaign
    The Gallipoli campaign started Apr 25, 1915. It was a campaign of the First World War that took place on the Gallipoli peninsula. The battle was a major catastrophe for both sides.
  • The last Czar Takes control of the army.

    The last Czar Takes control of the army.
    Czar Nicolas the second took control of the Russian army on may ninth 1915. This was a bad decision because it directed all of the failure of the army towards him.This was something that ended up leading to his abdication and then excution.
  • Start of the battle of Verdun

    Start of the battle of Verdun
    The battle of Verdun started on Feb 21, 1916. It was on the western front between the French and Germans. It was one of the longest battles in the war.
  • Start of the Battle of the Somme

     Start of the Battle of the Somme
    The battle of the Somme started on Jul 01, 1916. The battle was called the battle of Somme because it was near the Somme river. 1 million men were hurt or killed
  • Start of the Russian Revolution

    Start of the Russian Revolution
    The Russian revolution started on Mar 08, 1917. It was a long time coming with the czar being wildly unpopular and World War I was a disaster for Russia as millions of soldiers and civilians were killed. The russian revolution led to the rise of comunisum.
  • End of the Russian Revolution

    End of the Russian Revolution
    The Russian revolution ended on Nov 07, 1917. This Lead to the eventual election of Stalin who killed more people than Hitler. It also freed the people from the czarist rule.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed on March 3, 1918. The treaty took Russia out of the war. The war was wildly unpopular in Russia and ended up removing the Czar.
  • Death Of the last Czar

    Death Of the last Czar
    The last czar Nicholas II was executed on Jul 17, 1918. He was executed along with all of his familey. He had young children that wre shot in cold blood. He was a very bad leader.
  • End of World War One

    End of World War One
    World War One ended on Nov 11, 1918. It ended with an armistice then officially ended by the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. It was one of the most deadly wars ever.
  • Assinsation of Trotskey

    Assinsation of Trotskey
    Leon Trotsky was killed in Mexico on Aug 21, 1940. Even out of Russia Stalin saw him as a threat. His execution was ordered by Stalin and was just one of millions.