World History Assignment

  • Period: 300 to

    Mesopotamia Babylonians

  • Sep 2, 604

    The Bablylons After The Assyrians 604-561 BC

    The Bablylons After The Assyrians 604-561 BC
    A Chadlean named Nabopolassar overthrew the Assyrians and took the throne of Babylon since Assyrians lost their empire. Through careful alliances he made the Neo-Babylonian empire after that his son Nebuchadnezzar made renovations to the city up to 2,200 acres which he boasted it was the most beautiful city in Mesopotamia. Also a acient writer Herodotus said that the city was on a broad plain and look exactly like a square which was surrounded by a deep moat with full of water.
  • Aug 31, 705

    The Assyrians 705-681 BC

    The Assyrians 705-681 BC
    The Assyrian ruler Sennacherib sacked,razed,and the ruins scattered to teach a lesson to others when he ruled. His extreme measures was considered impious by the people so he was assassinated by his sons. His successor Esarhaddon re-built Babylon and returned it to its former beautiful glory.
  • Sep 4, 1126

    War with Assyria and Elam 1126-1105 BC

    War with Assyria and Elam 1126-1105 BC
    In this period Babylon was involed in the war which got the Babylonian king Ashur in chains and the statue of Marduk being stolen. But the new Babylonian ruler named Nebuchadnezzar 1 defeating Elam also bringing the statue back.
  • The Hittites/Kassites 1595 BC

    The Hittites/Kassites 1595 BC
    The Hittite ruler Mursili 1 captured Babylon bringing the rule of Hammurabi successors down from the throne. They also capture the statue of Marduk who was the principal god of the Babylonians. They tried to effortly to win the the people of Babylon so they brought back the statue and restored temples of the other gods but still havent won them.
  • The King of Babylon, Hammurabi 1792-1750 BC

    The King of Babylon, Hammurabi 1792-1750 BC
    This price got the throne because of his father King Sin-Muballit, and he quickly transformed this wonderful city into the most powerful and influential in Mesopatamia. This man was wonderful because he enlarged the wall, made great public works such as temples and canals, also he made his own laws. The law codes he was made politically to maintain peace and prosperity.
  • Law Code of Hammurabi 1792 BC

    Law Code of Hammurabi 1792 BC
    When Hammurabi was on the throne he made a law code wich was a "eye for an eye" style of lawmaking. In Hammurabi view he was sent by the gods to rule Babylon,so he said that the both gods send him to bring rule of righteousness in the land. When he was still compassionate his code was harsh which if you even steal it would result in death sentences.
  • Early Babylon Cont. 1894 BC

    Early Babylon Cont. 1894 BC
    In 1894 BC the Ur-based empire had collapsed and the city was conquered by a man named Samu-abum. He was an Amorite a semitic-peaking people from modern day Syria. He tried to make Babylon into a petty kingdom from the city and small nearby territory which was remaining this way until Hammurabi took the throne.
  • Babylon Controlling The Fertile Crescent 2000 BC

    Babylon Controlling The Fertile Crescent 2000 BC
    By 2000 BC the Babylons controlled the Fertile Crescent which saw advances in law,literature,religion,science,and math. The Fertile Crescent is a place in the Middle East which makes a curve that looks like a quarter moon shape. It starts at the Persian Gulf then ends at northern Egypt and it means it was the birthplace of agriculture,writing,trade,and science.
  • Nebuchadnezzar 2nd Babylon 597 BC

    Nebuchadnezzar 2nd Babylon 597 BC
    Nebuchadnezzar 2nd conquered Babylon with military power when he was capturing Jerusalem twice,but many Jewish inhabitants went to Babylon. Nebuchadnezzar 2nd was trying to major buildings in Babylon which a project was made to make an inner wall and outer wall. Nebuchadnezzar 2nd also made hundreds of shrines to the many gods of Babylon,and one of those major shrines also the biggest was Esagil which was detitcated to the principal god Marduk.
  • 2334-2279 BC The Old Babylons

    2334-2279 BC The Old Babylons
    In this time period Sargon the Great build temples at Babylon which was excavated by Koldewey and is still are visible today. An historian Paul Kriwaczek claimed that the Babylons ruins was made by Amorites also the following collapse of the Third Dynasty of Ur. Also Babylons was consider a minor city or a large port town that runs down from the Euphrates river to the Tigris river.