World War 1

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    World War 1

    Known as the Great War or First World War, a global war centered in Europe
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    First Battle of the Marne

    The Allied Powers won the battle against the German Army.
  • The Sinking of the Lusitania

    The Sinking of the Lusitania
    The Lusitania, a British ocean liner was torpedoed by the German U-boats and onboard were 128 Americans.
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    Great Migration

    The movement of African Americans from the South to northern cities between 1915 and 1930
  • The sinking of the Arabic

    The sinking of the Arabic
    A German Submarine sank the Arabic, another British liner, killing two Americans.
  • Sussex Pledge

    Sussex Pledge
    A renewal of an earlier promise to not sink liners wihtout warnings or without ensuring the passengers safety.
  • National Defense Act

    National Defense Act
    Increased the amount of soldiers in the army, approx. 90,000 to 175,000.
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    Battle of the Somme

    Allied attack on the Western Front, famous chiefly on account of the loss of 60,000 British troops.
  • Committee of Public Information (CPI)

    Committee of Public Information (CPI)
    President Wilson established this committee so that more people could be influence their opinion about the war and wouldn't be so opposed.
  • Selective Service Act

    Selective Service Act
    Congress passed the Selective Service Act, basically allowing them to establish an age limit so they could draft men for the war.
  • Espionage Act

    Espionage Act
    This Act, Later known as the Sedition Act, were put so that nobody could talk about the American Governement in a bad way. Would it be to "utter, print, write, or publish any disloyal things".
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    Battle of the Argonne Forest

    The battle of Argonne Forest went on for 47 days
  • National War Labor Board

    National War Labor Board
    President Wilson created this board that was composed of business and labor representitives which was suppose to serve as way to help the unemployed. They got more than 1,200 cases.