world war 1

  • russia war

    rusia supported serbia
  • germany stops attack

    Germany agrees to stop attacking cruise liners and military vessels
    this follows America anger at death at the death of 128 of their cizitens to aboard the luisitiana.
  • bulgaria wants

    bulgaris delares war
  • mission abort

    German submarines torpedoe the French passengers wit suxxex without warning
  • battle of sommone

    this battle was bewtween the british and French agaist Germany on bothe sides of the river sommone, france its the largest battle of war on the western front. more than 100,000 men were killed or wounded over those three months
  • german warfare

    german announced a policy of an unrestricted submarine warfare
    this means that there submarines can attak any ships they want traveling thru the ocens (frank)
  • gaza battle

    the first 3 battles of gaza commerce
    britsh forces attempt to invade the south of the ottman empire
  • russia new mpire

    the Russia government is overthrown this followed a a period of internal unrest
  • turky wants to stop

    turkey signs an agreement to stop fightin
  • austria hungary

    british forces attempt to invade the south of the ottman empire