World War 2

  • Japanese invasion of china

    Japanese invasion of china
    The Japanese invaded Manchuria china. They were eager to obtain the vast natural resources that china had. The japanese were not able to force victory but the chinese still weent able to get japan completley out. This battle is known to have more than 50% of the pacific wars deaths.
  • German Blitzkrieg

    German Blitzkrieg
    Strict weapon tactic used with planes, tanks, and heavy artillary by the germans.
    it happend because the germans were trying to limit the resupply of enemy forces to limit their defense.
    The enemy was forced to surrender due to the tanks, planes and heavy artillary used behind enemy lines.
  • Fall of Paris

    Fall of Paris
    Germany invaded France and pushed them out completley.
    It happend because Hitler unleashes his blitzkrieg invasion of the Low Countries and France with a fury on May 10, 1940.
    The outcome was forcing them to surrender. France was declared an open city allowing the germans to enter the french capital.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japanese attacked U.S. naval base Pearl Harbor out of
    The attack on Pearl Harbor was intended to neutralize the U.S. Pacific Fleet, and hence protect Japan's advance into Malaya and the Dutch East Indies, where it sought access to natural resources such as oil and rubber.
    The attacking planes came in two waves; the first hit its target at 7:53 AM, the second at 8:55. By 9:55 it was all over.
  • Wannsee Confrense

    Wannsee Confrense
    The Wannsee Conference was a meeting of senior officials of Nazi Germany, held in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee.
    It was discussed and coordinated the implementation of what they called the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question."
    The impact of the event was to discuss where certain groups of jews should be placed for mass murder.
  • Operation Gomorrah

    Operation Gomorrah
    It was the Bombing of Hamburg in WW2.
    This event happend due to the bombing by the germans. this was a table turning event.
    killed more than 30,000 people and destroying 280,000 buildings, including industrial and munitions plants. The effect on Hitler, too was greatly significant.
  • Allied invasion of Italy

    Allied invasion of Italy
    Allied amphibious landing on mainland Italy that took place on 3 September 1943 during World War II.
    Italian dictator Benito Mussolini envisioned building Fascist Italy into a new Roman Empire.
    April 28 Mussolini was captured by Italian partisans and summarily executed. German forces in Italy surrendered on May 1.
  • D-Day

    D day was originally supposed to be on June 5, 1944 but due to bad weather that couldnt happen. 156,000 American, British and Canadian forces stormed onto five beaches containing a fift mile stretch on the coast of frances normandy region. 4,000 Allied troops lost their lives due to the D- Day invasion while many more were missing or wounded. Nazi Germany surrendered to allied powers.
  • liberation of concentration camps

    liberation of concentration camps
    Soviet soldiers were the first to liberate concentration camp prisoners in the final stages of the war. January 27, 1945 they entered Auschwitz finding hundreds of prisoners that were sick and extremely tired. from very little to eat, those who were still alive were basically living skeletons, even after being freed from the camps. Many died due to the fact that their bodies could not digest a single thing.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    The Germans drove deeper into the Ardennes in an attempt to secure vital bridgeheads, the Allied line took on the appearance of a large bulge, giving rise to the battle’s name.
    Adolph Hitler attempted to split the Allied armies in northwest Europe by a surprise blitzkrieg thrust through the Ardennes to Antwerp which is what caused this.
    The Army to Bastogne proved vital to the Allied defense,
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Battle of Iwo Jima
    Three U.S. marine divisions landed on the island in February 1945. Iwo Jima was defended by roughly 23,000 Japanese army and navy troops, who fought from an elaborate network of caves, dugouts, tunnels and underground installations.
    The need for a base near the Japanese coast was why the battle ocurred.
    The Marines were able to sweep the area and win succesfully.
  • VE-Day

    marks the formal acceptance by the Allies of World War II of Nazi Germany's unconditional surrender of its armed forces.
    The goal to Force Nazi Germany to Surrender and send victory Europs way.
    The Nazis declared surrender in the war giving Europe their much wanted victory.
  • Potsdam Declaration

    Potsdam Declaration
    This was a call by Allied nations to call surrender on Japan.
    this was a Decaration brought up by the president of the united states, the president of the republic of china and the prime minister of Great Britain.
    Japan agrees to the surrender.
  • Dropping of the Atomic bombs

    Dropping of the Atomic bombs
    The American bomber Enola Gay dropped a five-ton bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima.
    Threat by the Japanese leaders that if an attempt to invade Japan would result in mass casualties of the American people.
    The Enola Gay Dropped the Atomic Bomb on Heroshima and Sucsessfully wiped out evrything in its path.
  • VJ-Day

    Japan surrenders to Allied forces after almost 6 years of war.
    The dropping of the bombs causes Japan to be forced to surrender.
    Japan surrenders to the Allied forces bringing an end to the war.