Image 6461

world war 2

  • spanish civil war

    spanish civil war
    it was a growing division between democratic and totalitarian countries in europe. it was a struggle between fascism and communism.
  • japanese invades china

    japanese invades china
    -japan invaded china in the disre to be in complete power -they left china destroyed
  • neutrality acts

    neutrality acts
    these acts prohibited loans and arm sales to warring nations. anxious to prevent nazi recovery roosevelt convinced congress to allow weapons to be sold to warring nations.
  • germany invades poland

    germany invades poland
    hitler was seeking to gain lost territory
    took over poland and continued to gain lost territory.
  • german blitzkreig

    german blitzkreig
    nightley bombings from germany
    they broke down enemys.
    caused havoc on many countries
  • Period: to


    A war between countries all over the world. the communist and nazies were trying to take over the countries and the allied powers stopped them.
  • hitler takes over low countries

    hitler takes over low countries
    hitler struck against denmark and norway and they fell to him quickly. norway provided area to attack allied ships.
  • operation barbarossa

    operation barbarossa
    nazi invades the soviet union
    drove the soviet union back
    But Barbarossa had failed, and Nazi Germany confronted a two-front war that it could not win.
  • pearl harbor

    pearl harbor
    japan bombed pearl harbor by surprised and blew up many ships and houses. This caused the hawaiin people to support the war by doing task such as collecting rubber and metal. This event caused america to have camps for japanese.
  • wannsee conference

    wannsee conference
    nazis would try to exterminate all the jews
    they held them in concentration camps affected the whole race of jews
  • battle of stalingrad

    battle of stalingrad
    The Battle of Stalingrad was a major battle on the Eastern Front of World War II in which Nazi Germany and its allies fought the Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad in Southern Russia, on the eastern boundary of Europe.
  • bataan death march

    bataan death march
    75,000 american troops were forced to march to prison camps
    they were all prisoners of war
  • battle of midway

    battle of midway
    naval battle bewtween the us and japan.
    japan sought to elimate america but we beat them
    gave america another victory over japan
  • warsaw ghetto uprising

    warsaw ghetto uprising
    The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising was the 1943 act of Jewish resistance that arose within the Warsaw Ghetto in German-occupied Poland during World War II,
  • operation gomorrah

    operation gomorrah
    British bombers raid Hamburg, Germany, by night in Operation Gomorrah, while Americans bomb it by day in its own “Blitz Week.”
  • allied invasion of italy

    allied invasion of italy
    The Allied invasion of Italy was the Allied amphibious landing on mainland Italy that took place on 3 September 1943 during the early stages of the Italian Campaign of World War II.
  • d-day

    156,000 American, British and Canadian forces landed on five beaches along a 50-mile stretch of the heavily fortified coast of France’s Normandy region. The invasion was one of the largest amphibious military assaults in history
    hitler loses battle of the bulge
  • leyte gulf

    leyte gulf
    allied took over the philipinnes to cut off japams suplly lines to the east indies.
  • anti-hitler youth

    anti-hitler youth
    teenagers rebelled against gitlers racist nazi party. bartholomaus schink was hanged by the SS for being a member of the edelweiss pirates.
  • battle of the bulge

    battle of the bulge
    major german offensive campaign hitler lost this battle major victory for america gave them the advantage.
  • operation thunder clap

    operation thunder clap
    plan of a massive attack on berlin
  • battle of iwo jima

    battle of iwo jima
    marines captured the island from the japanese they did this to be closer the the japanese base so they dont bomb them
  • battkle of okinawa

    battkle of okinawa
    largest amphibious battle against the japanese
    they were trying to stop their navy
  • VE day

    VE day
    victory in Europe day.
    it was a public holiday celebrated on may 8 to mark the formal acceptance by the Allies of World War II of Nazi Germany's unconditional surrender of its armed forces.
  • dropping ofthe atomic bombs

    dropping ofthe atomic bombs
    untited states dropped an atomic bomb on hiroshima and nagasaki caused alot of destruction and forced the emporer to give up.
  • vj day

    vj day
    final ending of worlds ww2
    this sparked celebrations
    foprmal surrender was held in tokyo bay