Leadup to World War 2

  • Signing of the Treaty of Versailles

    Signing of the Treaty of Versailles
    This treaty was drafted up to punish Germany and restore the previous peace but the main purpose was split between the three main powers which signed the treaty, England, France and USA. Engalnd wished for Germany to be punished but not too harshly as Germany could become a good partner for England in the future. France wished for Germany to be severely punshied such that she would never be able to take up her arms again. The US wanted long-lasting peace but didn't involve itself much at all.
  • Period: to

    Leadup to World War 2

  • League of Nations Created

    League of Nations Created
    Suggested by then US President, Woodrow WIlson as a peace instigating mechanism, this group eventually failed. The League of Nations used negatiations to solve conflict and had the power to impose sanctions on countries which broke the rules the Leage of Nations had laid out. However, one massive downside to the League of Nations was that it had no military support. Even powerhouses like Britain had a dwindling army as it was right after the war. Interestingly enough, the US never joined the LoN
  • Abolition of the Ottoman Sultanate and Creation of the Republic of Turkey

    Abolition of the Ottoman Sultanate and Creation of the Republic of Turkey
    Since 1299, The Ottoman Empire has ruled over Turkey until the 1st of November, 1922 when the Grand National Assembly of Turkey ended the empire and the Treaty of Laussane was signed, thus resulting int he swift departure of the last sultan, Mehmed VI. A previous Constantinople government with the Sultan at its head, the Occupation of Constantinople by the Allied Forces and the rousing support from the Turkish people for Turkey to be a republic, subsequently lead to the ending of the Sultanate.
  • Beer Hall Putsch

    Beer Hall Putsch
    The Beer Hall Putsch was the failed takeover of the Bavarian State Government, led by Adolf Hitler. However, the plan was quickly ruined and Hitler was charged for treason and sentenced to 5 years prison. Known as the Beer Hall Putsch as most of the meetings occurred in the large and bustling beer halls, the nationalistic idealogies that spouted from Hitler's mind greatly influenced the audience within the beer halls to overthrow the current part and restore Germany to its former glory.
  • Joseph Stalin and the Soviet Union

    Joseph Stalin and the Soviet Union
    Following the death of Vladimir Lenin on the 21st of January 1924, Joseph Stalin consolidated his power over Russia and became the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Under Stalin's rule, the ecnomic freedom in Russia became greatly restricted and the concept of "Socialism in One Country" was adopted and used to its maximum. The killings of notable figures of the Communist Party, such as Leon Trotsky paved the way for Stalin to gain control over Russia.
  • Wall Street Crash

    Wall Street Crash
    The Wall Street Crash, also known as Black Tuesday, was the most devastating stock market crash in the history of the US. This may have been the stemming point of the Great Depression. All over the country, banks failed, workers lost their jobs, companies became bankrupt and the nation financially imploded. The number of unemployed people skyrocketed to 13 million. Families starved, but there was nothing to be done. It was the most severe economic downturn which America had ever faced.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic represion that preceeded WW2. GDP levels across the world dropped 15% from 1929 to 1932, with international trade plunging a staggering 50%. Farming industries and construction screeched to a halt as crop prices then fell by 60%. Scores of people were out of work, left wandering the deserted streets shambling up and down desperate for a few bucks such that businesses placed signs stating "No Men Wanted"; thus was the Great Depression.
  • Londan Naval Treaty

    Londan Naval Treaty
    This was the treaty signed by the US, Japan, UK, France and Italy, in order to regulate naval shipbuilding and submarine warfare. Each country had their gun calibers restricted on submarine ships and the number of vessels (heavy cruisers and light cruises) any particular country could have. Japan was restricted more harshly than both the UK and US were. Such a treaty was important as the fight for naval supremacy was rising and all countries wished to be the top dog, while wishing for peace.
  • Nazi Party becomes Offical Party of Germany

    Nazi Party becomes Offical Party of Germany
    The Nazi Party, professionally known as the National Socialist German Worker's Party, led by the enigmactic and charismatic Adolf Hitler, became the offical party of Germany and went to war against Europe. Germany's people loved The Nazi Party and they, in turn propogated the idea of nationalism and the disillusioned German people followed suit, embracing the new leader and his drive to reagain the glory of the motherland once again.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    The day Germany invaded Poland was the day that World War 2 erupted and begun. Known as the September Campaign, Germany's motives for invading Poland ranged from its desire to gain control of the Free City of Danzig and the Polish Corridor, the connection from Poland to the Baltic Sea. The Allied forces wished for a corridor after World War 1. With the invasion of Poland, Britain and France declared war on Germany, thus, World War 2 was underway and the consequences disastrous.