World war 2

  • Germany's Blitkrieg

    Germany's Blitkrieg
    This is a German tactic that was used to avoid long drawn out battles of attrition. It was successful at capturing Poland,Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Yugoslavia. It involved a concentrated attack useing all available artillery and sources against a weak point in the recipient. With their success it decreased the surrounding countries that could oppose Germany in europe to the point where they almost controlled the entire continent.
  • Germany's Invasion of Poland

    Germany's Invasion of Poland
    Germany was able to attack Poland easily because they signed a nonaggression pact with Russia. Russia did not attack and Germany supposedly we're going to split up Poland with tem in return. And with fast swift concentrated attack on polands border they broke through its defenses and took over. Once Germany was in control of Poland it led to their succesive invasion of nearby countries.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    Germany launched an attack against Russia. Hitler was worried about Stolin encroaching upon his Romanian oil fields these were essential to the German campaign so, he needed to attack Stolin along the Russian 2900 km front. When Germany invade they underestimated Russian force's numbers, nevertheless they seemed to have the upper hand until the battle lasted into winter where the Germans were unprepared to fight. This was a Russian victory and set Germany back.
  • Pearl Harbour

    Pearl Harbour
    This was a Japanese surprise attack in Pearl harbour Hawaii, it killed thousands of men and damaged a portion of the American naval fleet. Japnese hoped to decrease American naval power and cut off any hope of Americans fighting them in the future. However there were submarines and air craft carriers still at sea and america was a to rebuild damaged ships in months. This aggression did lead to American deciding to declare war on Japan and consequently Italy and Germany declared war on America.
  • Allied invasion of italy

    Allied invasion of italy
    The Italian people were sick of mussolini and overthrew him, but there was still a strong german influence so they could not fully break from axis-control. They made an unannounced agreement with the allies to join them, but they could only fully be with the allied force until they were "invaded by them". The Italians didn't put up much of a fight. Badaglio government declared war on Germany. After all the Italian fighting that still remained they won 6 days before Germany surrendered.
  • D-Day

    Allied powers launch invasion on Normandy coast. Allied decided to strategically funnel troops into Normandy to create a third front where allied forces pushed Germany back into itself. When the troops landed and fought their way up the beaches they got their foot in the door and through France and enacted this plan.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    This was an axis driven attack to divide allied troops in the Aredenne region. The fighting between both sides using tanks and artillery led to a bulge-like shape. This marked the last major German offensive attack and when they lost, it was a turning point in the war. The Germans were forced to retreat further and further into central Germany and it was only a few months before they surrender completly.
  • Liberation of concentration camps

    Liberation of concentration camps
    Soviet soldiers were the first allied soldiers that found and emancipated the remains thousands of emeciated prisoners. The Germans tried to eradicate any race or group that was not part of the master race, and they almost succeded. To this day there are people that are convinced that this tragedy of a systematic killing of millions of people as a hoax. But, with the live witness accounts of these events the world knows of these atrocities, and thankfully some lived were saved.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Battle of Iwo Jima
    This was an amphibious invasion on part of the Japanese islands near the main islands by American troops. This was a necessary island to launch a land invasion from in case the atomic bomb was not developed in time. After its takeover the island was not used as an invasion point.
  • VE-Day

    This was the day where Germany announced it's surrender. Germany could not keep fighting with their lack of resources, and so World War Two in Europe came to an end. There was tremendous celebration among the allied nations and the axis-controlled nations. Afterwards lead to baby boom in America
  • Dropping of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Dropping of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    The nuclear bomb was developed throughtout the Manhattan project. The new president of the United stas Truman decided to drop the bomb because he weighed that there would be thousands more lives saved compared to a terrestrial battle. This lead to radioactive poisoning for those in the bombed cities and the winning of The WW2 in the pacific.
  • VJ-Day

    This marks the day that the Japanese empire surrenders and the end of fighting in the pacific. The atomic bomb dropping played a big part in japnese capitulation. Those territores and islands that Japan imposed their power on rejoiced when the war was over. Afterwards leads to America help repair their country.