World War I

  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand Assassinated

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand Assassinated
    During a comprehensive inspection of Austrian troops stationed in Sarajevo, the son of Archduke Karl Ludwig and his wife, Sophie, were shot once each by a young Black Hand terrorist, Gavrilo Princip, a 19-year-old member of YoungBosnia at the time. Less than two months after the dramatic attack, an infuriated Austrian-Hungary declared war on Serbia; thus, World War I began. Many history experts on the war claim this was the primary event that triggered the development of the Great War in Europe.
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    World War I

  • RMS Lusitania Sunk By Germans

    RMS Lusitania Sunk By Germans
    At approxiamately 1:40 PM, after the already vulnerable American - British ship resumed a predictable course for the first time in years because of fog, a German U-20 boat spotted the Alli vessels and shot a torpedo into its starboard, immediately sinking the ship. Most passengers on board parished, and the majority of them were American citizens. The shocking catastrophe angered United States officials, who would utilize this event in their explanation for declaring war on Germany in two years.
  • First Zeppelin Raid Over Britan

    First Zeppelin Raid Over Britan
    The first German zeppelin, a previously unidentified aerial machine named LZ-38, arrived to the horror of London citizens and bombed the city. The Gernan forces would later designate even more bombing vessels to devestate the English capital throughout that year, yet while much of the land was destroyed, few were actually killed; warning systems and underground shelters prevented many tragedies, to the dismay of rival troops. The attacks did little to advance the Germans and disuade the British.
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    This battle became one of the most iconic of World War I. Expanding over a ten month period, it occured between German and French armies on the Western Front in north-eastern France. Although Germany initially attacked France to capture the valuable city, powerful opposition prevented the military from achieving its goal. The casualty rate for the German forces was also significantly higher at the battle's end, and the Allies prevailed. The trench warfare was developed during this time period.
  • David Lloyd George Becomes Prime Minister

    David Lloyd George Becomes Prime Minister
    British prime minister David Lloyd George was elected during the traumatic circumstances of World War I; he was believed by many Englishmen to be an ideal candidate in resolving the Great War. The Welsh-born leader became vital in the post-war Paris Peace Conference and possessed an undaunting level of enthusiam before that period. He also established several British reforms including the first welfare system, and is renowned as one of the greatest leaders and reshapers of the twentieth century.
  • U.S. Declares War on Germany

    U.S. Declares War on Germany
    After almost three years of entirely European turmoil during World War I, The United States entered the war as a vengeful tactic against German forces, who had been sinking countless American ships since less than two years earlier. This was ironically opposing earlier claims by President Woodrow Wilson, who insisted that American neutrality would remain. However, after intercepting a German telegram from Mexico asking the country to attack the U.S, American officials launched a war declaration.
  • Battle of Caporetto

    Battle of Caporetto
    This month-long battle between German-Austrio-Hungary forces and Italian defenders took place on the Autrian-Italian war front. This key battle in the later half of the war led to German dominance after funadmental usages of poison gas and stormtroopers to establish a Piave River base in Italy. Renowned Italian commander Luigi Capello was bedridden throughout most of this battle, and although he insisted that the weakened defenses retreat, they refused to do so until capture became unavoidable.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Signed

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Signed
    This remarkable treaty signified Russia's departure from World War I affairs and was an agreement between the force and the Central Powers, headed by Germany. Although the signing was considered controversial and somewhat obselete by year's end, it did lead to the independence of several Eastern European nations and eradicated much of the Ottoman Empire. It took away much of Russian and Central Power territory and influenced opposition towards the dominating group of countries by many Europeans.
  • Treaty of Versailles Signed

    Treaty of Versailles Signed
    The most influential (and later debilitating) treaty of World War I, it ended the violence between the German and Allied powers and was one of the first in a series of "peaceful" documents that concluded the war. Although the treaty aided in the war's end, it presented controversial claims; according to the document, Germany was the sole cause (and debtor) for the war, and for this, territory the country had obtained was stripped. German's unsettling defeat later influenced the second World War.
  • Armistice Day/ End of WWI

    Armistice Day/ End of WWI
    On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of 1918, an armistice was signed by German and Alli forces, resolving battle fronts and terminating all violent activity between the two main forces for the rest of the war. Although hostilities remained in other areas, these did not last long after German withdrawal; after the signing, war in most nations was considered permanently over. This lead to the creation of Armistice Day, an international holiday commemorating the deceased.