“World War I, the Treaty of Versailles, and the Great Depression”

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    There was a lot of imperialism going on in World War 1. Some of the Countries at war tried to to expand there war. Lots of the countries that entered the war entered to protect their land in case things go out of hand. America even later entered the war because Germany wanted Mexico to aid them if America attacked them.
  • The assassination of Archduke and his wife

    The assassination of Archduke and his wife
    World War 1 started because of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie. They were shot to death by a bosnian Serb when they where visiting the capital of Sarajevo. This angered many people. From that point on alliances where started to be made for the upcoming, foreseeable war.
  • Germany's Blank Check to Austria-Hungary

    Germany's Blank Check to Austria-Hungary
    On July,5,1914 Germany decided to help Austria and Hungary. Germany agreed to hel them out no matter what.I bet it seemed like a good idea back then but I would say that It turned out to not be the kind of alliance like they hoped. They did help with war at first but later while trying to recruit Mexico they angered America and sealed there loss.
  • World War I

    World War I
    World War started on July,21,1914. The war happened because of the assassination of Archduke. This led to many alliances and outbursts between many countries and nations. The war officially began when Germany invaded Belgium. After a while after a ship was sunk that had american passengers America was thinking about entering the war. It was only after the Zimmerman Telegram that America officially stated that they would enter the war. It was a harsh battle. But in the end, we won.
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    World War 1

    World War 1 was devastating. Over 38 million people died. There were over 20 million hurt from the battle. Many husbands where lost. This was one of the deadliest wars in human history. Even today we mourn for those that served for our cause.
  • Alliances

    Alliances started to get formed at July,30,1914. This was with Russia. After Belgium made an alliance with them they also made a secret alliance with france. Then there was Germany. They tried to make a alliance with Mexico saying that they will help get Texes back but that backfired badly. Because of that America decided to enter and as guess, they would not be on Germany's side. Alliances played a big part.
  • Loyalty

    It was said that nationalism was one of the major causes of World War 1. But that was expected. If something happened to your country you should defend it. Even though I don't think that people should start war because of it but I would say that in this case it was expected. After the assassination people choose sides to fight for. This made both of the side strong.
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    Desire for War

    After the assassination of Archduke, Austria-Hungary wanted to go to war with the people that murdered him. That was the big spark of World War 1. Austria-Hungary knew that if they attack Serbia they would be attacked by Russia. But because of their hatred towards Serbia they recruited Germany and attacked anyway. This timespan was when there first battle was executed.
  • The Lusitania

    The Lusitania
    The Lusitania was a big British ship. It was built secretly and was a very fast boat. It went up to 20 knots. The British thought that they could hide supplies for the war in there while there were unknowing passengers cruised on it. Germany saw through that and sank the ship with there submarine. Most of the people died. 114 of them where Americans. That was one of the reasons America entered the war. Also because of this sub warfare was restricted.
  • The Subs come back

    The Subs come back
    In the beginning of 1917 the restricted sub warfare became unrestricted. Germany was very happy with this. They where the reason it closed down in the fist place after they sunk the Lusitania. After sub warfare became unrestricted many people died that were crossing germany's line of fire. This angered many people.
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    The Zimmermann Note

    The Zimmermann telegraph changed the corse of history. Because of it America officially stated that they are entering the war. In the Zimmermann telegram Germany promesses Mexico that they will help them get part of US soil back in return if they help them with there cause. The telegraph later was in the president of united states hands. Later that year they officially stated that they will be entering the war and plotting against germany.
  • We Enter the War

    We Enter the War
    America entered the war on April,6,1917. They already wanted to go to war after the Lusitania was sunk but were not really sure. It was after the Zimmermann Telegram that America officially entered the war. They where on the British and Russian side. This turned the war completely around. America lead our side to victory.
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    Dawes and Youngs Plans

    These plans played a somewhat important role in the ending of World War 1. these plans where the reason the War ended. Soldiers had to leave foreign land and America even gave a loan to Germany. This was only temporary because soon after Germany started World War 2.
  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles
    When the Treaty of Versailles was signed in 1919, the war came to a stop. Germany although not too proud agreed to the Treaty. This only stopped the war for a short time. The Treaty was a contract of 15 parts and 440 articles. It was about Germany boundaries. This Treaty only lasted for about 20 years.
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    The Rise of Hitler

    Hitler began as a inspiration to the Germans. Many people loved him. He started with speaches and soon was liked by parts of Germany. He traveled higher and higher through the ranks and soon became leader. Thats when the major bad things started to happen. Jews were started to get killed and World War 2 started. Finally on April,30, of 1945, Hitler killed himself.
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    The Great Depression

    The Great Depression was a very hard time for everyone. It lasted for 10 years. During the Great Depression, many people lost there jobs and money. Markets got closed and farms had hard times selling their crops because of prices. Even though it was a hard time, people still believe that they will get out of the depression even though other countries watched thinking how ironic it was. But In the late 1939s America prospered and pulled itself out of the Great Depression and into a new age.