World War II Assessment

By DJ225
  • japanese invasion in china

    japanese invasion in china this was a schrimish between japan and china near the marco polo bridge near bejin,china. the chinease soilders were outclassed and had steadily withdrew giving japan more land for supply they withdrew china was hoping for assrince from other the course of the war over one million japanese soilders would engage in an unsusscesful attempt to subdue china
  • Ribbentrop/molotov Pact

    Ribbentrop/molotov Pact
    this was a agreement between the soviet union and germany. htis pact resulted in the two countries takeing and splitting poland with each other. but months later germany would break their agreement and proceed to attack the soviet union.
  • germanys invasion of poland

    germanys invasion of poland
    when germany started to attack poland, france and great britain declared war with germany. but they needed time to mobilize troops so and they pridicted that they could hold up till spring. but hitler had been able to be very effective with making small radios that would go in cars to make fast communication to one another.their was also russia also attacking poland cause germany and russia made a agreement to split half of poland with each other. by the end of the month poland had capsized.
  • German Blitzkrieg

    German Blitzkrieg
    the german blitzkrieg was a new stlye of warfare that translate to lightning war meaning a short war. with this style had had quickly had taken poland, Denmark, Norway, and the Baltic States within months.
  • Fall of Paris

    Fall of Paris
    german took control of paris. the US tries to helps but most of the people from paris fled leaving it in control of the german government
  • the battle of Bulge

    the battle of Bulge
    this was a attempt made by germany to split the french and american lines to try to recapture the port of Antwerp in the Netherlands. they used nearly one thousand tanks and mechenized machine guns. the german were ablr to take out 90,000 men and 300 vechicles but in a counter attack the germans lost 100,000 men and 700 vechicles.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    this was a invasion that germany and its allys had launched to attack the soviet union. this had caught them by surprises even though they expected they would attack but not this early.Their military leadership had been decimated by Stalin’s purges of the 1930s, where he had killed the most effective commanders and had political stooges replace them. even though the axial
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    this as an attack on pearl harbor from the japanese. they had prepared themselves with bringing 6 carriers loaded with 450 aircrafts to attack with. they attacked in waves the first wave was a frenzy of bombs, torpedoes, and machine gun fire in every angle and they were able to take out the airfeilds on pearl harbor. the japanese pilots also did kamakazies on pearl harbor where they would crash their whole plane on pearl harbor causeing damage nd killing the pilot. no more space to type
  • the wannsee conference

    the wannsee conference
    this was a conference to figure out what to do to the jews. this was what hitler had orderd Reinhard Heydrich and Heinrich Himmler’s number-two man. they had decided to use gas vans that wold kill one thousand people at once to be the fastest way to kill large amount of poeple at a time.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    this took place six months after the attack of pearl harbor this was battle was fought only with air crafts.American combat forces took over where intelligence efforts left off. Scouts found the Japanese early in the morning of June 4. Although initial strikes by Midway-based planes were not successful, American carrier-based planes turned the tide. Torpedo bombers became separated from the American dive-bombers and were slaughtered (36 of 42 shot down), but they diverted Japanese defenses just
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    this was a sucsessful defense against the germas in the city of stalingrad. this was considered the bloodiest battle in the war with nearly 2 million causualties. this also was a turning point in the war in favor of the allies. the attack was of the germans surrounding and bombing the city. but the russains were able to push them back by feb. 2nd, 1943
  • operation gomorrah

    operation gomorrah
    ​1943 Allied bombing run that included the German city of
    Hamburg and destroyed most of the people and killed tens of thousands of German
  • Ally invsion of Italy

    Ally invsion of Italy
    this was a invasion by the allies on the island of sicily. when the british and US forces on the city of messina. but the last of the german forces had fled when they arrived. but luckily, 140,000 italian soilders surrendered and they were able to force mussolini out from power and establish a new government and sign italy to the allies side of the war
  • D-Day

    this was a ally invasion in france. on the morning of the invasion the US, canada, and the british had captured five beaches on the coast of france. with that they were also were able to have superiority in the sky drobing bombs and paratroopers.
  • Operation Thunderclap

    Operation Thunderclap
    operarion thunder clap was a idea the allied powers had that would involve bombing the easter-most cities of germany to disrupt the transport infrastructure behind what was becoming the Eastern front. they ended up bombing the city of dresden killing over 60,000 thousand civilians.
  • the Battle of Iwo Jima

    the Battle of Iwo Jima
    this was a assult on the small island that led to the death of all japanese soilders with the causualties of the US being only 6,500.
  • the Battle of Okinawa

    the Battle of Okinawa
    the biggest ambush in victory. the allies have tried to take it before but. fail. then they dicided to use US marines, navy, and army to attack the island. towards the end of this pilots knowing they would lose started to crash their planes into US Ships.
  • VE Day

    VE Day
    this was the day the nazi regime. most of the german surrendsered to the soiviet union.
  • Dropping of the atomic bombs

    Dropping of the atomic bombs
    this was done in order to get japan to surrender. the first bomb landed oh hiroshima obliterating the town. after getting no sign of surrender. they had no choice but to drop a second bomb on Nagasaki. after the second bomb had fallen japan had finally dicided to surrender.
  • VJ Day

    VJ Day
    this was also known as victory of japan day. this day was made by president truman and was celebrated in all allied countries