World War II Events

  • Japanese Invasion of Manchuria

    Japan invades North-East China. China asks LoN for help; Kellogg-Briand Pact. Japan resigns from LoN in 1933 to continue invasion of Manchuria.
  • Italian Invasion of Abyssinia

    Lasts until May 1936. Revealed that League was unwilling to keep peace between countries. Weakness exposed
  • German Invasion of the Rhineland

    German troops invade French-Occupied Rhineland. Hitler gambles on LoN's involvement to stop. Britain and the LoN do not act and leave the Rhineland alone.
  • Spanish Civil War

    Lasts until April 1st, 1939. Ends with Nationalist victory. Used as a practice for war strategies. Nazi Germany bombs Guernica using Blitzkrieg.
  • Germany Invades the Polish Corridor

    In an attempt to receive land back that is an area filled with German Peoples, Nazi Germany attacks Poland.
  • World War II Begins, Officially

    France, Britain, and the British Commonwealth nations declare war on Germany.