WW1 Veteran Timeline Project

  • Personal Interest: Red Cross Vehicle

    Personal Interest: Red Cross Vehicle
    In the picture a very shielded red cross vehicle is seen. It is very armoured and has small wheels. It was invented in 1915 to help soliders get care during the war. Sadly, the design made it innefective in the muddy and busy front line landscaps.
  • Sussex Pledge

    Sussex Pledge
    Is a pledge that kept the United states out of war a little bit longer. It met foreign policy goals of both Germany and President Wilson. It did not work and we went into war anyway.
  • America Declares War

    America Declares War
    America was neutral until they entered the war. Most Americans supported Germany and the Irish. Many valued they're heritage, traditions, and values
  • Personal Interest: Elephant

    Personal Interest: Elephant
    An elephant from the local zoo is being used to move tree trunks. Since all the other "war aniamls", like horses, were being used at war countries had to use what they had. Circus and zoo animals were requisted for army use
  • Personal Interest: Pigeon

    Personal Interest: Pigeon
    In the picture there is a pigeon with a camera attached to its chest. This trained bird was used (before we figured out how to use drones) to spy on the enemies and take aerial pictures of their camps. This invention was innefective.
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Zimmerman Telegram
    The Zimmerman Telegram was made by Arthur Zimmerman. It was a telegram that was sent from Germany to Mexico. It said that if Mexico would attack the USA and succeed that they would let Mexico keep the USA. This is one key event that led to the United States getting involved with WW1.
  • Personal interest: Communitcation

    Personal interest: Communitcation
    The Tendem bicycle power generator is seen above. In the photo above it is being used in the middle of a field, possibly a battle field, to power a light raid station. Two men are riding a bike to get the generator to work.
  • Personal Interest: Ship

    Personal Interest: Ship
    Above is the British Aircraft carrier HMS Argus. It's striped design apperently made it more camoflagued when in motion. It could carry 15-18 aircrafts.
  • Lloyd Brown

    Lloyd Brown
    Lloyd lied about his age so he would be able to join the navy. He said he was 18 but was actually only 16. According to Lloyd many of guys did this and did not get caught.
  • Lloyd Brown

    Lloyd Brown
    Lloyd joined the war for a few reasons. One was because of patriotism and the thirst to protect his country. Another was because he liked the idea of traveling and being on ships. He said he doesnt think he would have like the army.
  • Llyod Brown

    Llyod Brown
    Lloyds main job was to protect the English Channel. Enemies kept trying to invade it and bomb it. The US and theyre allies could not let them attack because without the English Channel ships could not go back forth to deliver troops and supplies
  • Lloyd Brown

    Lloyd Brown
    Lloyd Brown was in the Navy. He was was ranked as a Seaman 2nd clss. He became a salior in 1918
  • Lloyd Brown

    Lloyd Brown
    Life on the ship, according to Lloyd, was not as fascinating as you might have expected. He said that it was very crowded, with very little room. At night you would sleep in hammocks hung from the ceiling of the boat, and in the morning you had to fold them up and put them away to make room for the tables you ate off.
  • Personal Interest: Aerial Warfare

    Personal Interest: Aerial Warfare
    In the photo above a two seater biplane is seen. There is only one gun on the top. It appears that there is very little protection to shield the plane.
  • Lloyd Brown

    Lloyd Brown
    After Lloyd spent his time in the war he went to Missouri. In Missouri he worked on a farm. Soon he got bored and eventually enlisted back into the Navy.