• gas attack on western front

    gas attack on western front
    Dogs were used as many things. Dogs were rescuers, messangers, scouts, and sentries.They would go find people that were hurt.
  • Pigeons

    They would use pigeons as cameras or spies. They had to be traned on where to go.Pigeons would also carry messages.
  • Horses

    Horses were used as equipmentholders and transportion. They would fire cannons off the horses back. It would go very wrong, many died.
  • Camels

    Camels were used as transportation. The horses ould die n the heat so they would use camels instead. I feel that this was animal abuse.
  • Elephants

    Elephants were used by Germans. They moved treetrunks. They became scarce andit scared the Germans.
  • A terriost attack brings war.

    A terriost attack brings war.
    Franz Fernidad vistited the capital of Sarjevo. The alliances were triggered. Germany's plan to invade France failed.
  • America declared war

    America declared war
    America was nuetral then took sides. Most Americans supported Germany, the rest Irish. Many valued heritage, language and political ideas.
  • German submarines go into attack

    German submarines go into attack
    The British declared a blockade of German ports intercepting nuetral merchant ships sailing to Europe. They forced the ships to contraband. The Germans sank the Lusitana.
  • Nettie Eurith Trax

    Nettie Eurith Trax
    Nettie was a nurse in WWI. She is a vetran Army nurse. She is not well known.
  • USA declares war

    USA declares war
    The Zimmerman telegram was used. It leaked the newspapers. Volenteers were lining up to join the miitary.
  • Combat in WWI

    Combat in WWI
    There was alot of new technology. There was Trench warfare. There were new types of guns and pistols.
  • Nettie

    Nettie liked her job. She loved her parents alot and wrote them notes. Her letter showed the advancements in the military hospitals.
  • Nettie's Letters

    Nettie's Letters
    She also wrote letters to everyone, for someone to find and share with the world. She would write about what she did that day. She also would talk about her family and friends.
  • base hospital no.18

    base hospital no.18
    The hospital moved from Baltimore to New York to France. They had to wait to be at a permanent base. They were the first hospital.
  • Netties Secret

    Netties Secret
    Nettie had a secret admire. He wrote random letters to her all the time. His name was Pere