Us troops5

Americas entry to World War 1

  • The sinking of the RMS Lusitania

    The sinking of the RMS Lusitania
    On May 7th 1915, a German U-Boat torpedoed the Ocean liner Lusitania. The ship sunk in 18 minutes killing 1,198 passengers. Only 761 out of 1959 Passengers survived. 159 of the lives lost were American, this prompted the United States of America to enter World War I.
  • The sinking of the SS Arabic

    The sinking of the SS Arabic
    The British liner Arabic was sunk by a German U-Boat on August the 19th 1915. This killed 44 passengers 3 of which were American This was also a reason that the U.S joined WWI
  • Attack on the SS Sussex

    Attack on the SS Sussex
    This French Ocean Liner was Heavily Damaged by a German U-Boat on March 24th 1916, The German U-Boat torpedoed the ship completely blowing the front off the ship. 50 out of 378 passengers died and many american passengers were injured. This caused an uproar of the American public opinion. Germany later issued the Sussex pledge fearing the United States entry to WWI.
  • President Wilson demands that Germany stop "Unrestricted Submarine Warfare"

    President Wilson demands that Germany stop "Unrestricted Submarine Warfare"
    After the attacks on the three ocean liners President Wilson demanded that Germany stops their submarine warfare after which Germany agrees to limit its submarine warfare
  • The Sussex Pledge

    Fearing The American entry to WWI the German Empire issued the Sussex Pledge. The pledge said that Germany would restrict Submarine Warfare and stop attacking passenger ships
  • Britain intercepts and Decodes Zimmerman's message to the German minister in Mexico

    Britain intercepts and Decodes Zimmerman's message to the German minister in Mexico
    The British intercepts and decodes Zimmerman's message which some of it reads: We make Mexico a proposal of alliance on the following basis: make war together, make peace together, generous financial support and an understanding on our part that Mexico is to reconquer the lost territory in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. The settlement in detail is left to you.
    Signed, ZIMMERMANN.
    This made the American public opinion E
  • U.S Senate declares war on Germany

    U.S Senate declares war on Germany
    After repeated acts of war against the citizens of the United States, The United States Senate Declares war on Germany.
  • U.S House of Representatives Declares war on germany

    U.S House of Representatives Declares war on germany
    After votes were shown 82 to 6 the House of Representatives declares war on Germany
  • The Selective Service Act Is Passed

    The Selective Service Act Is Passed
    The Selective service act is passed on the 18th of may 1917, The act authorized the federal government to raise a national army for the American entry into World War I through the compulsory enlistment of people.