• Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    This treaty is what caused WWII and ultimately caused the downfall of Germany and the death of thousands upon thousands of innocent people. It stripped Germany of its military and its land, and in addition to that they had pay reparations and accept the war guilt. This is what led to the seconds world war, if we hadn't dealt with Germany in such a harsh manner then maybe WWII would have never started in the first place.
  • Japan Invades China

    Japan Invades China
    Japan is highly aggressive towards the Asia Continent for reasons unknown. The invaded China in the mid 1937's. This is also called "The Rape of Nangking." Thousands of people we slaughter in a mass genocide. This created growing tension in the eastern hemisphere witch led to a huge world war.
  • Munich Peace Conference

    Munich Peace Conference
    This was toughener meeting help in Munich. Except Hitler this time wanted to annex Czechoslovakia, and just like a child that pitches a fit Great Britain and France agreed ed and gave in (witch was there first mistake). This is what we would call wimpy now-days but at the time the liked to hid behind the word "appeasement". This is the start of the war and Hitler's wild and crazy antics of trying to rule the world and make the perfect Aryan race.
  • Kristallnacht

    This is known as the night of the broken glass. A night that all survivors remember and look back on with a bitter fear and probably hate. A night that demoralized Jews in the face of humanity, and the night that the Nazi's grew rich off from the the spoils of the Jews torment. The first real act of hatred shown by the Nazi party...
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    After sending a non aggression pact with Russia Germany proceeds to rule the world... or at least try too. On August 23 Germany evades Poland with out reason or declaration of war. However Poland just sits there and doesn’t even fight back. This the spark that starts the whole shabang.
  • Period: to


  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    At this time Germany Controls much of Europe. The German air force, Luffaffe, starts to bomb Britain. However Britain’s moral was never destroyed. The Brittany’s air force RAF defends there homeland with a determination only a mule can understand. Winston Churchill, who was the prime minister at the time, took advantage of the fact that Germany never launched a full envision of Britain. This would be Germany's second fatal mistake to trying to rule the world.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    So the USA wasn't going to get into the confrontation of WWII but when Japan attacked our naval base in Hawaii we changed our minds. They killed thousands of innocent men at our navel base. The very next day we declare war against Japan.
  • Stalingrad

    Stalingrad was a city in Russia named after Stalin himself.. This city was a major industry city. Germany looses this battle, but at a great cost to the Soviet army. This angers Stalin who had a non aggression treaty with them, and so he now wants to create a two front with Germany, This leads to Germany ultimate demise.
  • D-Day

    This was the day that US stormed the beaches of Normandy, and some of our air force dropped solders behind enemy lines. There was a lot of casualties and a long bloody battle but none the less we took the beaches of Normandy and won the battle. This battle greatly accelerated the rest of the war.
  • Korematsu v US

    Korematsu v US
    After the Japaneses attacked and killed people at Pearl harbor the "white" Americans so to speak became scared of any race of people with Asian descent. So the red blooded Americans that we are we put them in interment camps... We were no better than Hitler and his idea of the Aryan race. We put red-blooded Americans into camps just because they were of Asian distance. The court decided that the government could do this because it was military necessary.
  • Potsdam Conference

    Potsdam Conference
    Its the end of the war and now everyone is in a pickle... now that Germany has been defeated what to do with them is now the question. Stalin, Churchill, and Truman was all at this convention. They talked about reconstruction in Europe and Japan surrendering. Stalin already knew about the a atomic bomb, but yet the vice president didn’t.
  • Hiroshima

    In response to Pearl Harbor and Japans attack on the US, the US sent letters that called for the ultimate surrender of Japan. Japan refused and so the US dropped a nuclear bomb on Hiroshima called "Little Boy" that was named after Teddy Roosevelt. Then the US proceeded to drop another bomb on Nagasaki. After thousands died Japan surrendered and let sleeping dogs lie so to speak.