
WWII Timeline thing

  • German Invasion of Poland

    German Invasion of Poland
    Adolf Hitler demanded the city of Danzig, Poland. Germany then decided to invade the country of Poland to spread their own land. This sparked the start of World War II because Britain and France declared war on Germany 2 days later.
  • Russian Invasion of Poland

    Russian Invasion of Poland
    A few days after the Nazi-Soviet pact, the Soviet Union invaded the eastern side of Poland.
  • Surrender of France

    Surrender of France
    As Germany invaded France, the only thing the french could do was evacuate. The German forces finally took control of France and the French were forced to surrender to the German forces. The French were forced to surrender at the site where the Germans were forced to surrender at in world war 1.
  • Bombing of London

    Bombing of London
    The German Luftwaffe begins to reign terror on Britain with night time air raids. Airfields are targeted so that the British could not oppose the bombings.
  • Bombing of Berlin

    Bombing of Berlin
    British Royal Air Force begin to bomb the German city of Berlin. The British send 81 air crafts to attempt to strike Germany back for their bombings.
  • American Lend Lease

    American Lend Lease
    America gave the British 50 USN destroyers. In return the British gave the Americans military bases in the pacific.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    Operation Barbarossa was the code name for Nazi Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    The Japanese decided to bomb the military base on Hawaii. This causes an uproar in America. This leads America to declare war on Germany and Japan.
  • Bataan Death March

    Bataan Death March
    American Troops at the Bataan Peninsula finally surrendered to Japanese forces. About 75,000 troops were forced to march 65 miles to a POW camp.
  • German Invasion and loss at Stalingrad

    German Invasion and loss at Stalingrad
    As Germany felt it needed to attack Russia, they stormed in guns blazing. The German forces pushed all the way up to Stalingrad and stopped. This was the battle that turned the fate of Nazi Germany. The German soldiers were unprepared for the battle and lost.
  • Victory of the Battle of Midway

    Victory of the Battle of Midway
    As the battle in the pacific roared on, America continuously battled on with the Japanese. Finally after numerous battles America forced the Japanese to retreat from a costly battle. This was the turning point in the Pacific because after this battle America jumped from island to island conquering the Japanese controlled islands.
  • Warsaw Uprising

    Warsaw Uprising
    On this date, prisoners chose to up rise at a concentration camp. This was led by the Anti-fascist Yitzhak Zuckerman.
  • D-Day

    The Allies stormed the beaches of Normandy, France. There were 5 beaches stormed: Omaha, Utah, Gold, Juno, and Sword. Each beach was a victorious storm and this
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    Concentration Camp Liberations

    The Nazis decided to collect all impure people and put them in labor camps. As the tides of war turned, these camps were liberated by the Allies.
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    Battle of the Bulge

    The last major German offensive battle. Ended bad for the Germans.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Battle of Iwo Jima
    After the Americans land and destroyed the Japanese, they took a monumental photo showing the American victory over the Japanese.
  • Nuclear Bomb on Hiroshima

    Nuclear Bomb on Hiroshima
    This is the first time in history that a nuclear bomb was used in war.
  • Nuclear Bomb on Nagasaki

    Nuclear Bomb on Nagasaki
    This was the last time in history a nuclear bomb was used in war.